Aguan's Blessing

Quest Giver:

Captain Thorne, a seasoned sailor who believes in the power of the sea god Aguan and the importance of tributes for safe voyages.

Quest Start:

The players encounter Captain Thorne at The Frosty Mug Tavern, where he is sharing tales of his recent misfortunes with other patrons. He is visibly distressed and eager for a solution. Seeing the players as capable adventurers, he approaches them with his request.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Finding the Rare Shell:

Location: The rocky coastline, notorious for shipwrecks and dangerous tides.
Challenges: The players must navigate treacherous terrain and possibly face aggressive sea creatures or environmental hazards like sudden waves.
Encounter: A nest of sea serpents guarding the shell's location.
Solution: Careful navigation, combat, or negotiation to retrieve the shell.  

2. Obtaining the Carved Wooden Idol:

Location: The woodcarver’s cabin deep in the forest.
Challenges: The woodcarver is reclusive and mistrustful of strangers. The forest is also home to wild animals and possibly enchanted plants.
Encounter: Persuasion or bartering with the woodcarver, who may ask for a favor in return, such as retrieving a lost item or solving a problem affecting the forest.
Solution: Successful negotiation, completing the woodcarver's task, or using charm and diplomacy.  

3. Acquiring the Silver Coin:

Location: The home of a local collector in Northpoint.
Challenges: The collector is a shrewd bargainer and values the coin highly. Players may need to offer something of equal value or complete a task for the collector.
Encounter: Convincing the collector through bargaining, offering rare items, or performing a service such as identifying and authenticating other items in their collection.
Solution: Effective negotiation or completing the collector's request.  

4. Returning to Aguan’s Rock:

Once the players have gathered all three items, they return to Aguan's Rock to perform the tribute. Captain Thorne accompanies them, guiding them through the proper ritual to ensure the offering is made correctly.




Captain Thorne has recently experienced a series of unfortunate events while at sea, including sudden storms, navigational errors, and poor catches. He is convinced that these misfortunes are due to the community's neglect of Aguan's Rock, where tributes to the sea god Aguan are traditionally offered. Thorne believes that a proper tribute will appease the sea god and restore good fortune to Northpoint’s fishermen.


The Ritual:

The players and Captain Thorne place the items on the rock and recite a prayer to Aguan, asking for the sea god's blessings and protection. As they complete the ritual, a sign from the sea god (such as a sudden calm in the previously stormy waters or the appearance of dolphins) confirms that the offering has been accepted.


Captain Thorne’s Token: A seashell necklace blessed by Captain Thorne, granting the wearer a +1 bonus to sailing or navigation checks for a limited time.
Community Gratitude: The players gain favor with the villagers of Northpoint, leading to discounts at local shops and inns.
Experience Points: 150 Experience for completing the quest and overcoming its challenges.
Plot type
Side Quest
Parent Plot
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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