Missing Supplies

Quest Giver: 

Laurie, the shopkeeper of Laurie’s Wares.  

Quest Start:

The players encounter Laurie at her shop, where she is visibly stressed and distracted. She explains her predicament to the players and asks for their help in locating and retrieving the lost shipment.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Gather Information:

Location: Laurie’s Wares or the Town Hall.
Task: Speak with Laurie and other villagers who might have information about the shipment’s route and the snowstorm.
Clues: Villagers mention seeing the delivery wagon heading towards the village before the storm hit, but no one has seen it since. Some suggest checking along the main road or in the nearby forest.  

2. Search Along the Route:

Location: The main road leading to Northpoint, stretching through snowy forests and hills.
Challenges: The players must navigate through the snow and track the wagon’s path, dealing with harsh weather conditions and potential hazards.
Encounter: They might come across signs of the wagon’s passing, such as broken branches, wheel tracks, or dropped items.  

3. Investigate Possible Sites:

Location: Various sites along the route where the wagon might have gone off track.
Challenges: The players must explore different locations, such as a snow-covered ditch, a narrow pass, or a frozen riverbank, each presenting its own dangers.
Wildlife: Wolves, bears, or other creatures that may have been attracted to the wagon’s contents.
Environmental Hazards: Avalanches, ice patches, or sudden snowstorms that could impede their progress.  

4. Discover the Wagon:

Location: A hidden or hard-to-reach area where the wagon is stuck or overturned.
Challenges: The players must carefully extract the wagon and its contents, which may involve clearing snow, repairing broken wheels, or lifting heavy items.
Encounter: The players may face a final challenge, such as a pack of wolves drawn by the supplies or a collapsing snowdrift threatening to bury the wagon.  

5. Return to Northpoint:

Location: The path back to Northpoint, potentially retracing their steps through the hazardous terrain.
Challenges: Ensuring the safe transport of the recovered supplies while navigating the same dangers they faced on the way in.
Encounter: Potential ambushes by wildlife or additional environmental challenges.




Laurie is a hardworking and resourceful shopkeeper who has run Laurie’s Wares for many years. She prides herself on always having what the villagers need, from tools to trinkets. Recently, a shipment of vital supplies was lost during a snowstorm while en route to Northpoint. The delivery was supposed to come from the nearby mainland, but it never arrived. Laurie is deeply concerned, as these supplies are crucial for the village’s daily needs.


Upon returning to Northpoint with the recovered supplies, Laurie is immensely relieved and grateful to the players for their efforts. The villagers also express their appreciation, recognizing the players as valuable members of the community.


Laurie’s Gratitude: A selection of useful goods and supplies from Laurie’s store, including potions, tools, and rations.
Community Favor: Increased reputation and goodwill among the villagers, leading to discounts at local establishments and future quest opportunities.
Experience Points: Awarded for successfully completing the quest and overcoming its challenges.
Plot type
Side Quest
Parent Plot
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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