The Fisherman's Dilemma

Quest Giver:

 Elen, a worried fisherman's wife.  

Quest Start:

The players encounter Elen at The Frosty Mug Tavern, where she is asking anyone who will listen for help. She approaches the players, explaining her situation and pleading for their assistance.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Gather Information:

Location: The Frosty Mug Tavern or Town Hall.
Task: Speak with Elen and other villagers to gather information about Merrick’s last known whereabouts and the cave.
Clues: The villagers mention strange noises and sightings near the cave, hinting at dangerous wildlife or other threats.  

2. Journey to the Cave:

Location: A rocky section of the coastline, known for its treacherous waves and hidden underwater hazards.
Challenges: The players must navigate the rugged terrain and avoid natural hazards like slippery rocks and sudden tides.
Encounter: They might face aggressive sea creatures like crabs, sea serpents, or territorial seals guarding the entrance.  

3. Exploring the Cave:

Location: The interior of the cave, which is dark, damp, and filled with echoing sounds.
Challenges: The players must navigate through narrow passages, avoid traps, and deal with limited visibility.
Environmental Hazards: Collapsing ceilings, slippery surfaces, and treacherous currents in underwater sections.
Wildlife: Bats, giant crabs, or other subterranean creatures that pose a threat.  

4. Finding Merrick:

Location: Deeper within the cave, in a hidden chamber or trapped in a crevice.
Challenges: The players might have to solve a puzzle or bypass a natural barrier to reach Merrick.
Encounter: Merrick is injured and unable to move on his own. The players need to fend off any nearby threats and stabilize his condition using healing skills or magic.  

5. Returning to Northpoint:

Location: The way back to the village, retracing their steps through the cave and along the coastline.
Challenges: Ensuring Merrick's safety while navigating the same hazards they encountered on the way in.
Encounter: Possible ambush by opportunistic predators or the final stretch of dangerous terrain.
Solution: Cooperation, strategic planning, and using any acquired resources to safely escort Merrick back.




Elen's husband, Merrick, is a skilled fisherman known for his bravery and knowledge of the local waters. Recently, Merrick ventured into a dangerous cave along the coast to explore rumors of an abundant fishing spot. He has not returned for several days, and Elen fears the worst. Desperate and distraught, she seeks the help of the players to find and rescue Merrick.


Upon returning to Northpoint with Merrick, Elen is overjoyed and grateful to the players for rescuing her husband. Merrick shares his gratitude as well and offers any useful information or assistance he can provide.


Elen’s Gratitude: A pouch of gold as a token of her appreciation.
Merrick’s Expertise: Access to Merrick’s knowledge of secret fishing spots, granting the players a temporary bonus to fishing-related tasks or information on local sea routes.
Community Favor: Increased reputation and goodwill among the villagers, leading to discounts at local establishments and future quest opportunities.
Experience Points: Awarded for successfully completing the quest and overcoming its challenges.
Plot type
Side Quest
Parent Plot
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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