Haunted Inn

Quest Giver: 

Greta, the innkeeper of The Warm Hearth Inn.  

Quest Start:

The players hear rumors of the hauntings from other patrons at The Frosty Mug Tavern or while staying at The Warm Heart Inn themselves. Greta approaches them, explaining the situation and asking for their assistance in uncovering the truth.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Initial Investigation:

Location: The Warm Heart Inn.
Task: Speak with Greta and the inn’s staff to gather information about the strange occurrences.
Clues: Staff and guests mention various incidents: cold spots, whispering voices, ghostly apparitions, and objects moving or disappearing.  

2. Examine the Inn:

Location: Different areas within The Warm Heart Inn, including guest rooms, the common room, the kitchen, and the basement.
Challenges: The players must thoroughly search the inn for clues, dealing with creepy atmospheres and potential minor supernatural encounters.
Cold Spots: Areas that suddenly drop in temperature.
Ghostly Whispers: Indistinct voices that seem to come from nowhere.
Moving Objects: Items that shift or fall without explanation.  

3. Uncovering the Past:

Location: The inn's archives or old storage areas where Greta’s father might have kept records.
Task: Search through old ledgers, letters, and journals for any historical events or past incidents that could explain the hauntings.
Clues: Discover a tragic story of a previous owner or guest who met an untimely end at the inn, such as an unresolved murder, a betrayal, or an accidental death.  

4. Communicating with the Spirit:

Location: The site of the most intense activity within the inn, often a specific room or area where the spirit’s presence is strongest.
Task: Use magic, rituals, or specialized equipment to make contact with the spirit and understand its motives.
Encounter: The spirit reveals itself, sharing its story of pain, anger, or sorrow. The players must listen and determine the best course of action to help the spirit find peace.
Solution: The players might need to find a lost item, deliver a message to a loved one, or perform a ritual to lay the spirit to rest.  

5. Resolving the Haunting:

Location: The site of the spirit’s final resting place, either within the inn or nearby.
Challenges: The players must perform the necessary actions to resolve the spirit’s unrest, which could involve facing physical manifestations of the spirit’s anger or regret.
Encounter: A final confrontation with the spirit’s more aggressive form, or dealing with another entity that has been influencing the haunting.
Solution: Successfully completing the ritual or task to bring the spirit peace, ending the disturbances.




Greta has recently taken over The Warm Hearth Inn from her retired father. Though the inn has always been a cozy and welcoming place, strange occurrences have started happening: unexplained noises, objects moving on their own, and eerie apparitions. Greta is determined to maintain her family's reputation but is at her wit's end trying to figure out the cause of these disturbances. She turns to the players for help, fearing that the inn might be haunted.


Upon resolving the haunting, the atmosphere of The Warm Heart Inn returns to normal. Greta and the staff express their immense gratitude to the players for their bravery and resourcefulness.  


Greta’s Gratitude: Free lodging and meals at The Warm Hearth Inn whenever the players visit Northpoint.
Community Favor: Increased reputation and goodwill among the villagers, leading to discounts at local establishments and future quest opportunities.
Experience Points: Awarded for successfully completing the quest and overcoming its challenges.
Plot type
Side Quest
Parent Plot
Related Locations

Cover image: by Appy Pie


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