Journey to Fort Bromleck

The PCs spend a week travelling through the frigid and rocky environment of the Isle of Bromleck. Red/Blue Event.

Plot points/Scenes

1. Setting up camp:

Location: Campsite on the side of the road.
Task: Set up camp, gather firewood, prepare food.
Details: The Players must make several Survival, Crafting or Lore checks to set up their camp before nightfall.  

2. Keeping Watch:

Location: The campsite.
Task: Keeping watch for wild animals or bandits.
Details: The Players must make Perception, Stealth or Survival checks to keep watch.  

3. Bandit Attack:

Location: The campsite and surrounding area.
Task: Defeat or drive off the bandits that are attacking.
Encounter: Bandit Disciple (Creature -1) x5.
Details: the Bandits will retreat after 3-5 rounds, depending on how hurt they are.  

4. It was a Diversion:

Location: The Campsite and surrounding area.
Task: Find out what the other bandits stole.
Details: It was mostly rations and some weapons, but it is not currently possible to chase after them due to the darkness and a sudden snow storm.



Despite the fact that several boxes of supplies were stolen, the merchants and other guards say it is too dangerous to pursue the bandits into the mountains. Thankfully they didn't steal anything too valuable and no one was seriously hurt.  


Experience: 100 Experience for driving off or killing the Bandits.
Plot type
Plot Beat
Parent Plot
Related Locations

Cover image: Isle of Bromleck by Appy Pie Design


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