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Silvestre family


The Silvestre family is a distinguished noble family from Concordia , with a long history of military service and loyalty to the Concordian Empire. Their ancestral estate is located in the eastern region of the Southern Reaches, a testament to their enduring influence and prestige within Concordian society.

History and Heritage

The Silvestre family has been a prominent fixture in Concordia for generations, known for their commitment to the empire and their martial prowess. The family’s coat of arms—a wolf’s head behind a spear—symbolizes their strength, loyalty, and readiness to defend their homeland. Over the centuries, the Silvestres have produced many notable military figures and have been closely aligned with the empire’s military elite.   The current head of the family, Armand Silvestre IV , is a retired general of the Concordian Army. He earned the nickname "the Silvestre Spear" during his youth, owing to his exceptional skills in combat and strategic acumen. Armand's leadership and bravery brought considerable honor to the family, solidifying their status among Concordia’s noble houses. However, as Armand has aged and retired from active service, concerns have grown about the future of the Silvestre legacy.

Notable Members

One of the most controversial members of the Silvestre family is Rhea Valois Amède Silvestre . Born the illegitimate daughter of Duchess Arlette Silvestre and an elven father, Rhea’s existence was kept secret due to the scandal her mixed heritage would have caused in Concordian society. Despite the initial efforts to hide her identity, Rhea’s innate sorcerous abilities could not be concealed for long. She was eventually sent to the High Temple of Concordia  to be trained as a sorcerer, where she excelled and rose to the rank of 3rd Magus in the 4th Legion of the Concordian Army.   Rhea’s service brought some measure of pride back to the Silvestre name, but her later defection from the army and her association with the adventuring party Arcane Punch  brought shame and dishonor to the family. Her departure from Concordia and her disappearance in the Jubal Plains  with Arcane Punch have left a lasting stain on the Silvestre legacy, much to the chagrin of Armand Silvestre IV, who is said to have taken her betrayal deeply to heart.

Current Status and Future

With Armand Silvestre now in advanced age and no clear successor to lead the family, the future of the Silvestre lineage is uncertain. The family’s standing within Concordian nobility has been shaken by recent events, and their once-unquestioned loyalty to the empire is now a topic of whispered speculation. Should Armand pass without a capable heir or a clear plan to restore the family’s honor, the Silvestres risk fading into obscurity, their legacy overshadowed by the actions of their wayward descendants.  

Notable members

Rhea Valois Amède Silvestre -
Aunrhy Silvestre -
Armand Silvestre IV - Family Head
Rosalee Silvestre
Political, Family


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