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History of Concordia

  • 1ca
    Founding of Concordia

    The end of the southern unification wars saw the Holy Empire of Concordia established and the Emperor of Concordia appointed as its sovereign and living god.

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  • 3ca
    Decree of Expansion
    Political event

    The Imperial Decree of Expansion was a historic proclamation by the Emperor of Concordia a, marking a significant turning point in the empire's history. In this decree, the Emperor announced his intention for Concordia to expand its influence and territory across the known world. Framed as a mission to bring order and civilization to other lands, the decree set the stage for a series of ambitious conquests and territorial annexations, aiming to establish Concordia as a dominant global power. This event heralded a new era of aggressive expansionism, with Concordian legions marching forth to subdue and integrate diverse regions under the empire's rule.

  • 6-51ca
    Concordia-Zarall Wars
    Military: War

    The Concordia-Zarall Wars were a brutal and protracted conflict between the expanding Concordian Empire and the Kingdom of Zarall, a realm inhabited by the descendants of the Sheen. The wars marked a significant chapter in Concordia's history, characterized by fierce battles, heavy casualties, and devastating consequences for the Zarall people.

  • 25-26ca
    War with Mortania
    Military: War

    The war with Mortania was a relatively swift and decisive conflict in the annals of Concordian expansion. The kingdom of Mortania, known as the "Kingdom of Death," was notorious for its eerie swamps and the cursed capital of L'abime. Despite the ominous reputation of the land, the Concordian Empire sought to bring Mortania under its control.

  • 138-139ca
    Zeyang Massicers
    Military action

    The Zeyang Massacres marked one of the most brutal chapters in the history of Concordian expansion. The Kingdom of Zeyang, a fertile and prosperous realm along the Ze River, became the target of the 2nd Legion, known for their ruthlessness and merciless tactics.

  • 181-186ca
    War in the north
    Military: War

    The War of the North was a significant conflict in Concordia's history, highlighting the prowess and strategic brilliance of the 1st Legion. Tasked with subduing the orc hordes of Xago, the 1st Legion faced a formidable enemy in a protracted campaign that lasted five years.

  • 208-216ca
    Conquest of Abbasi Island
    Military: War

    The Conquest of Abbasi was a pivotal conflict that saw Concordia extend its dominion over the desert island of Abbasi, silencing the prophetic voices that spoke out against the empire. This prolonged and grueling campaign showcased the relentless resilience of the 5th Legion.

  • 266-270ca
    Amaglad Campaign
    Military: War

    The Amalgard Campaign was a fierce and grueling conflict between the Concordian Empire and the druidic tribes of Amalgard. Known for their deep connection to nature and formidable magical abilities, the druids mounted a vigorous defense of their homeland. However, the relentless Concordian military machine, leveraging the unique strengths of its diverse legions, ultimately prevailed, though at great cost.

  • 360-363ca
    1st Plain war
    Military: War

    Incursion by The Holy Empire of Concordia . Concorda took most of the Plains and made it to the Ilisha pass. with the appointment of the 1st Plains Champion they were driven out of the Plains.

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  • 532ca - 534ca
    2nd Plain war
    Military: War

    Incursion by The Holy Empire of Concordia

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  • 716ca - 718ca
    4th Plain war
    Military: War

    Incursion by The Holy Empire of Concordia although they were replied by the Plains Alliance they successfully wiped out the Dwarf tribe .

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