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History of The Branded World

Era Of Creation

around 1 - 1999eoc

The first era. The stratagem creates the planes. until the Divine Glyphs are created in the 1st Convergence.

  • 1 EoC

    Creation of the world
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Stratagem creates the planes.

  • around 1000aoc
    Creation of life

  • Around 2000aoc
    1st Convergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The event that describes the formation of the Divine Glyphs. Following the destruction of The Stratagem.

Age of Ancients

1 - 5025aoa

The 1st recorded age. during this time the Kang-Zao people ruled the continent. The age ends with the 2nd Convergence an event that saw them all suddenly disappear.

  • 1-1000aoa
    Rise of the Kang-Zao empire

    The Kang-Zao empire spreads across the world. Using an in depth knowledge of the Divine Glyphs to manipulate the world.

  • Around 1000aoa
    The Planar gates are constructed

    The Kang-Zao created the Planar gates to fersilitate travel to the outer plains

  • Around 1000aoa
    The Fey arrive on the material plain

    The fey people arrive in the material plain from the feywild

  • 2034aoa
    Founding of Quel'Lutaan

    The elven city of Quel'Lutaan is founded on the site where the fey first arrived in the material plane

  • 3025aoa
    2nd Convergence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A Disaster that saw the entire Kang-Zao empire disappear overnight. leaving behind their all their cities empty.
    Their wards were weakened simultaneously unleashing the destructive power of the elemental planes and allowing demons to pour into the world.

Age of Darkness

1- 755aod

The Empyrionic war ravages the continent driving the peoples of the world to near exaction.

  • 5 AoD - 499 AoD
    The Empyrionic War
    Military: War

    The Sheen enter the material plane to challenge the demons. Starting a war that would rage for 500 years

  • 402aod
    Devils betray the Demons

    A faction of demons betrayed their kin becoming the 1st devils.

  • 497 AoD
    Planar gates are severed

    The extraplanar portals are severed in the sheens last stand. cutting off reinforcements from both sides

  • 508aod
    Glyph magic is taught

    The remaining celestials start to teach glyph magic to the people of the continent to protect them from future incursions.

Age of Light


Also know as the "age of heroes". The people of the continent fight back the demons and hunt them to extinction.

  • 1aol
    Kar'Vorth is slain

    The demon king Kar'Vorth is killed by the hero Idris Bezdur wielding the Soulblade

  • 26aol
    Palatine kingdom is founded

  • 50aol
    Zalukan Dynasty is founded

  • 163Aol
    Kingdom of Gwell is founded

    The Human kingdom of Gwell is established in the east of the Mirrorback Mountains

  • 223aol
    Fall of Quel'Lutaan
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of Quel'Lutaan is distroyed.

  • 321aol
    Tribes settle on the Jubal plains

    Additional timelines
  • 413 Aol
    Alsa Alrya founded

    The sole city of the genasi is built on the ruins of Qaisalma.

  • 428aol
    Freezing of Gwell

    An enoumous Billazard distroys the kingdom of Gwell. burying under the snow.

  • 625 AoL
    Defeat of Arkoroth

    The last demon lord Arkoroth is defeated by the Elven hero Elmyra Yaeldrin

  • 635aol
    Queendom of Ilisha established

    The Queendom of Ilisha is established with the founding of Tho-Harmodios

Current Age

1ca - Present

Marked with the founding of Holy Empire of Concordia. This age sees Concordia spread across the continent conquering as it goes.

  • 1ca
    Founding of Concordia

    The end of the southern unification wars saw the Holy Empire of Concordia established and the Emperor of Concordia appointed as its sovereign and living god.

    Additional timelines
  • 137ca
    Southen Palatine Kingdom delclears independence

    The Southen Palatine kingdom delclears itself independent from the north. Igniting the Palatine war

  • 391ca
    Mirrorback alliance is formed

    Six dwarven cities in the mirrorback mountains sign a treaty to create the mirrorback Alliance. Making them a combined nation.

  • 452ca
    The Kingdom of Gwell Rises

    The entire kingdom of Gwell rises as undead zombies

  • 811ca
    Everspring Isles federation established

  • 862ca
    The Chimera first appear

    The chimera people start to appear on the northern continent.
