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Nervack Proudmourn

High King (a.k.a. The Crowned Coward)

The current High King of The Capital Isle, Nervack is the latest member of the The Proudmourn Dynasty to wear the crown. He inherited the crown from his older brother, Volmar Proudmourn, after he died fighting during the The Convergance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Spent most of his days living a life of luxury, enjoying the many perks of being a prince. Never expected to take the crown due to his two older siblings, Volmar and Evelia Proudmourn being in line before him, so never put much thought to learning how to rule. However his sister passed away when she was still young and his brother, who was to focused on protecting the Isle from the potential Pirànjù invasion during The War That Never Was, never thought to marry or father children. This life of luxury abruptly ended when Volmar died fighting during the convergence, leaving Nervack to rule in his place. Due to his lack of any form of experience he was completely unprepared to be in charge of a kingdom let alone during a national catastrophe.   Due to his numerous failures while in charge and the hatred aimed at him, he retreat to his castle and very rarely leaves, making the people hate him and The Proudmourn Dynasty even more.


Family Ties

Older brother was Volmar Proudmourn, the last High King. Older sister was Evelia Proudmourn. Has a Daughter, Mayra Proudmourn , her mother died in childbirth
Current Location
Year of Birth
1430 SA 62 Years old
Current Residence
The Royal Keep
Pale green
Short greying black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

Articles under Nervack Proudmourn


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