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Thalia Ankhiir

Commander of the Broken Sword

As a commander in Tempus' Legion under the banner of the Broken Sword, Thalia is a master war caster. Hailing from The Underdark, Thalia found her magic a key asset in the war to free her people. Using her immense magical skill, She was able to break the curse that binds the Drow to the Underdark and was able to make it to the surface. Though she was only able to free herself she aims to help the rest of her people break free from their eternal curse.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After reaching the surface, Thalia heard tales of the strength of Tempus' legion and knew that if she could make them her ally, they could help lead her people to freedom. She managed to locate them and joined their ranks as a spellcaster under the Broken Sword. Her skills saw her fly through the ranks, eventually being promoted to a captain under Mayln Rallus. She learned much from him and her devotion saw her promoted to commander once Mallus was declared Champion.
  Despite her strong ties to the legion, Thalia hasn't forgotten her roots and still strives to free her people from the Underdark.
Year of Birth
1436 SA 56 Years old
Pure white
Long sleek white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark purple
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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