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Tempus' Legion

Formed during The Dark War, the Followers of Tempus are a militant group who follow the teachings of Tempus, the god of war. Split into three different orders; Order of the Hammer, Order of the Steel Fang and Order of the Broken Sword, the followers use the guidance of their god to fight with divine strength


Split into Three orders, each order is led by one of Tempus' three Champions. Each champion has two commanders that represent one of the practices of their respective Order.
The Legion has a General that leads the entire legion. The General is typically chosen from one of the three champions but is currently led by commander of the steel fang, Tarin Newguard.


The organisation was founded during The Dark War and grew massively after it ended. It was a crucial factor in humanities survival of The Convergance but was disbanded after they assassinated a Xian Shun diplomat and tried to initiate a war. The followers have officially been disavowed ever since.


After killing a Xian Shun diplomat in an attempt to start a war between The Capital Isle and the dynasty the Legion was disbanded in an effort to keep the peace. High King Nervack Proudmourn banned public warship of Tempus and therefore the disarmament of the followers.

To Glory

355 - 1472

Religious, Holy Order
Alternative Names
The followers of Tempus, The Children of War
Training Level
Related Myths

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