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The Divine Tribunal

The home of Tyr's faithful, the Divine Tribunal is the home of inter-planar justice. It is the home of angels and high ranking members of The Court of Tyr. The faithful mainly use the Tribunal as a base of operations before going on crusades to other planes. However, in cases of delivering justice on a divine scale, the Tribunal is used as the house for the Divine Court.

Purpose / Function

Whenever there is a dispute in planar Law, the case is held in the halls of the tribunal. The majority of cases are fiends trying to argue the loopholes they write in their contracts or minor disagreements amonsgt the residents of Mount Celestia. However, the court can also hear much more serious cases such as the formation of The Godfall Paradox and the Banishment of Cyric. It also acts as the seat of the Divine Court and is where matters of Divine Law are discussed.
Alternative Names
The Halls of Justice, Court of the Gods
Acropolis / Citadel
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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