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The Poison of Revenge

After encountering a few of the strange Golem creatures, the party receive a message from Arden Lionheel saying they have a lead. The party travelled to Casterfield and learned the creature had now been classified as 'Hybrid-Constructs'. They also discovered that a common creature included in these strange hybrids was called a Pteranodon, a rare reptile only found in the forest-covered hills north of the city. Mushu knew this area well, it was his home before the dragon Blightfang destroyed it. Wanting to bring this crisis to an end the party left immediately.

Upon arrival at the hills, the party tracked a swathe of dead creatures and traced it to a small encampment at the edge of the mountain range. The party realised that the camp was run by a group of Hobgoblins and was where the Pteranodon carcasses were being taken. Awaiting nightfall the party struck, with Ladrian Tarquillian creating an illusion to make it appear as though Blightfang was attacking. Barrisar did what Barrisar does best, he burned. After a short while, the leader of the camp emerged and called for a truce. He didn't want anymore of his people harmed and wanted to reach an agreement. He introduced himself as Murkvarz and the party quickly noticed he had an incredibly advanced mechanical arm. He explained it was a gift from his employer for helping deliver monster parts but refused to divulge any more information. When the party asked why his tribe were doing this he explained that the Settler Races treated his kind with distrust at best and with violence at worst. He explained that his people had no one to trade with until he was approached to carry out this task. He said that he would give up the details if the party could get rid of the dragon Blightfang. Murkvarz told the party that the dragon had become much more aggressive and had killed many of his men, even causing his son to become terribly injured. Mushu was eager to take on his old rival and so the party agreed.

Not long into their trek into the forest, the party realised they were being followed. Believing this to be an enemy, the party readied their weapons. What appeared was a brutally scared Hobgoblin who introduced himself as Dandeck, the son of Murkvarz. He had heard the party were taking on the dragon and wanted to get his revenge for what it had done to him. Dandeck led the party to Blightfang's layer before splitting off to prepare an ambush. When the party approached the creatures nest they saw a shape moving. It was a small green dragon, no bigger than a human. It was curled up and appeared to be asleep. The party were sceptical that such a small creature could be what they were looking for but Mushu insisted that this was the being that had destroyed his home and killed his people. Borghur Gro-Baruuk decided to sneak up to the nest to take the creature by surprise but Mushu couldn't help himself. Faced with the creature responsible for so much sadness in his life, he loosed an arrow at it. Unfortunately for Mushu, he missed and the small dragon woke up. In a panic it started squawking and only Barrisar, the only party member to speak Draconic, understood what it was saying. It was calling out for its mother. Rising from the water, directly next to Borghur, was Blightfang. In a moment of desperate panic Borghur grabbed the squawking child and held an axe to its throat. Blightfang was away to drown Borghur in a cloud of poisonous gas but stopped, fearing that the Orc would harm her child. Mushu, blind with rage attempted to attack the beast but Ladrian Tarquillian used magic to hold him in place. With Mushu taken care of, Borghur was able to argue that this land was not safe for her, stating the Hobgoblins would continue to fight against her as long as she remained. Though still furious that this Orc had dared to raise a hand to her child, she couldn't deny his argument made sense. Her feelings for her child outmatched her desire for blood and she stood down, agreeing to leave the forest for good. Before she left, Blightfang slinked over to the paralysed body of Mushu. She told him that it his people has stolen one of her young, using it as a sacrifice. This was why she attacked his home, not out of mere spite but in an attempt to protect her family. With that she took flight, leaving the party behind.

The party returned to Murkvarz who praised the group for their efforts. He upheld his end of the bargain and told the party that a strange High-Elven woman, with short hair had approached his tribe and offered them work. They were told to use their hunting skills to cull a massive portion of the Pteranodon population and ship the corpses to a base in the mountain pass west of Forgestone. He warned the party that this woman scared him and that she was a force to be reckoned with. He then told the party that because their was no other work, his tribe would continue to supply this woman with corpses. The party said that they would speak to the Hunters Guild and try to make a deal with them to get them work. Though sceptical, Murkvarz agreed, stating he would rather work for anyone else.
Upon returning to the Hunters in Casterfield, the party discussed their findings with Arden. They also suggested that he hire the Goblinoids, praising their hunting skills. Arden was surprised at the offer but agreed, saying that it would be a good idea to recruit the tribe, especially with everything going on. he then requested the party investigate the base near Forgestone and put a stop to the crisis. The party agreed and were going to set out when Borghur inquired about Scott Mason. Arden said that he had arrived and was proving a valuable asset to the guild. Borghur requested that Mason be sent on a personal mission, to which Ardeen agreed. Borghur gave Mason one of his sending stones, requesting that he investigate who was responsible for the Fighting Pits. Glad to repay Borghur for sparing his life and helping him find a new home, he set off. After their affairs were in order, the party set course for the capital city of Vaross.
Plot type
Side Quest
Parent Plot
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