Order of the Weak

The Order of the Weak is a hidden sect of unknown size and origin.  


The Weak believe that individuals touched by the Filament can somehow be used to control or manipulate the Colossi and/or their hidden masters. They work in various ways to obtain access to Filament-touched, by stealth or by force, so that they can experiment with how to obtain this power.  

Known Members and Associates

The following are known members or associates of the Order of the Weak:  
  • Waltom Eddyn is an FPL Veil agent who was contacted by the Weak, and attempted to use his position to obtain touched individuals for the Order to experiment on.
  • Fred - An operative who worked as a Company agent for the Filament Protection League. Killed on 25 Jundall 657 during a conflict at the Guild Tower.
  • Brumble - A young grommam mercenary affiliated with the Order, but working for the Trading Company. He was most recently involved in a night raid at the Djinn and Tonic on 25 Jundall 657, but escaped after a brief detainment.
  • Tommany Darkfinger - A halfling warlock, mentally unstable and with a distinctive aroma. Seemingly killed during a night raid at the Djinn and Tonic, she appeared once again (to be killed once more) at the Guild Tower with Fred and several rogue Silencers.


The Order of the Weak has a headquarters in the Cascade known as the Cloud, is located on Threldorone.   The Order has agents on the Spelljammer, but the location of its base of operations is unknown, if it has one.
Secret, Religious sect

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