Aspect of Ambiance

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Ambiance are not only sensitive to the energy that surround them, but are also sensitive to the energy that lingers after the power of others. Thus, while the power they wield seems to ebb and flow like the tides, they are able to most easily make use of it to manipulate their environment for the benefit of themselves and others.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Ambient Sensitivity (Celestal OOOO) - Wielders of this power have an increased sensitivity to the elements around them, and their powers ebb and flow based on its use. The player cannot put points into their Ambient pool, as it is automatically capped at 10. However, the creation and usage of any bit of their power or Aspectral Form (with exceptions) will draw directly from this pool at a rate of 1 per point in complexity of the ability. They must roll against this draining of their Ambient energy at a difficulty of 15-1 per point in Ambient Sensitivity AND Aural Pull, with every success allowing them to retain one point of Ambient energy. If they do not have enough Ambience points or if their points are at 0, they can perform their planned action at a difficulty of +2. Additionally, they roll Aural pull at the end of every round to determine how much energy that is restored, reducing or increasing in difficulty depending on the effects of those around them. If they spend the round concentrating instead, they restore an amount equal to their Aural Pull, but they cannot perform any defensive action while doing so. Additionally, this allows them to have pure universal discernment of energy entirely through the Celestial Sphere.

Background Abilities

  • Universal energy sensitivity
  • Resilient Nervous system to stave off against Synapsieze and other conditions that derive from universal sensitivity.
  • Strong sense of energy flows, no matter how subtle
  • Innate Energy resistance

Celestial Cores

  • Wield Ambient Energy (Hollow)

    Wield Ambient Energy (Hollow)

    Wield Ambient Energy (Hollow)
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use elemental flows to manipulate the ambient energy of their environment, concentrating and weaving them into various flows and Forms as desired. The player must make use of their elemental sensitivity to determine energy concentrations (Perception + Celestial Sphere) before wielding their powers, as that plays into their success/failure.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this Aspect, along with the regular features associated with the Fae, have a rainbow hue that their body gives off on occasion, especially around their tail.

Node Locations

Wielders of this Aspect have an additional node in their frontal lobe, along with the regular lobe, back of the neck, and base of the tail lobes possessed by most Fae.  

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Elent form of this Aspect are known as Re-Shapers. Able to draw, collect and shape the ambient energy in their environment, they are the most well known wielders of this aspect, and the most straightforward. Through their structured manipulation of ambient energy, they can most easily create Forms from the collected energy that last just as long as others, but have difficulty manipulating flows in a similar way to the other forms.   Additional Core: Ambiance Craft

Ambiance Craft

Ambiance Craft
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create moderate to complex constructs with their ambient manipulation, allowing them to generate powerful and more difficult Aspectral Forms with greater ease. However, this cannot be used to create general flows of energy within the environment.
Core Requirements
Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (OO), Element of Choice (OOOO)
Core Type

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Myst form of this Aspect are known as Air-Drinkers. The rarest form of this power, they can draw in and absorb Ambient energy within their bodies, converting it into raw Fluva force, which feeds into more powerful versions of attack using that force. Thus, while they can wield ambient energy, they more often use that energy as fuel for Fluva attacks.   Additional Core: Ambiance Breath

Ambiance Breath

Ambiance Breath
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to breathe in ambient energy and use that breath to expel powerful elemental flows, which can be woven and wielded into powerful Fluva-focused Forms and effects as desired by the player.
Core Requirements
Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (OOOOO), Element of Choice (OO)
Core Type

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Flou form of this Aspect are known as Diffusalists. This dangerous form of this power has the ability to more easily disrupt existing flows of power, as well as disperse ambient energy around them to create dearths of it. In these areas of reduced ambient energy, by creating Forms with Fluva, energy, they can collapse the dispersed energy back into the area, enhancing the effects of the resulting Aspectral Forms. This does, however, reduce the Ambient Energy they regain to the turn after they create an ability, as opposed to every turn, as a result of this process.   Additional Core: Ambient Dispersal

Ambient Dispersal

Ambient Dispersal
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to disperse and then collapse ambient energy within an area, creating Aspectral Forms within the area to be fueled heavily by the energy's rebound, increasing the potency of the attack in exchange for regained energy.
Core Requirements
Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (OOOO), Element of Choice (OOO)
Core Type

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Fatu form of this Aspect are known as Snap-Shifters. Able to shift the flows of energy in their nearby environment in one quick burst, Shap-Shifters are the most flashy of all the Forms of this aspect, capable of collapsing various elemental forces on enemies, suddenly increase or decrease natural effects within an area, or other powerful but sudden effects. They cannot do things slowly, which means that more complex disruptions to the environment are additionally difficult or complex for them to prepare.   Additional Core: Force-Shifting Pulse

Force Shifting Pulse

Force Shifting Pulse
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to shift the forces in their immediate environment in a sudden and violent manner. Within the span of a single second, they can cause sudden concentration, disruption, dispersal and shifting of energy, with greater and more complex manipulations and Forms becoming more difficult without additional time and focus, as they cannot do so slowly.
Core Requirements
Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (OOOO), Element of Choice (OOOO)
Core Type
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Sigmara Flanxia-Eldest   Control Schema Proximus  [Fluva] - This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield multiple or all other elements through the use of a single force.     Associated Nations/Peoples Faesmithea - House of Sigmara   Associated Racial Categories     Mastery Focus   Sagecraft Focused - This Aspect requires knowledge and use of Glimpse, Sagecraft and Sagesight to gain basic control over their powers before they can begin to control the nuanced elements of power through Shaping.   Associated Elements   Fluva - Force of Flow and Intricacy (Proximus Element)


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