Aspect of Bio-luminescence

Base Abilities

  Those who possess the Aspect of Bio-luminescence have the power to generate and manipulate the light that they radiate from the bio-electrically glowing parts of their bodies, using such manipulation to disorient, stun, or manipulate the perception of others as they go in to attack. Between this and their ability to sap energy from their opponents, the powers they wield can become incredibly potent with proper training.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Bio-lightning Mantle (Magnus/Void OOO): Wielders of this power, when over-charged with excess energy (Ambiance is greater than 5) create an electrical field around them that they can activate to induce a bio-electric attack upon physical contact with a person or weapon. The amount of damage this reactive attack does is equal to the player's Magnus + Intonation roll at a difficulty of 8-1 per point in Bio-lightning Mantle. If they instead are in a Hunger State (Ambience is lower than 5) The player rolls Void+Intonation at a difficulty of 9-1 per point in this field to immediately sap energy from their opponent, dealing damage both to HP and to the opponent's Ambiance and gaining 1 point per 2 damage dealt.

Background Abilities

  • Increased skin durability (+1 basic soak) to allow for greater bio-electricity generation within the body, and to allow for the generation of Bioelectric Luminescence
  • Greater ability to see in the dark
  • Greater swim speed
  • Greater lung capacity
  • Nodes on the skin as focal points for bioluminescence generation

Celestial Cores

  • Glow of Illusion

    Glow of Illusion

    Glow of Illusion
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create 'glows', minor constructs of glowing, bioluminescent constructs of bioelectricity which they use as a base for the construction of greater illusions through the usage of Mirux. These illusions can dazzle, temporarily blind, fascinate, confuse or otherwise induce sensory disruptions on enemies that gaze upon them with focused intent. With enough collected glows, the wielder can also use the illusions themselves to apply other effects of bio-electricity upon their opponents.
    Core Requirements
    Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO), Mirux - Force of Illusion and Bedazzlement (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this power gain some of the physical properties of a Deep Sea Electric Oarfish: thick, leathery skin, bioluminescent dots or rings along their dark skin, glowing eyes, very sharp front teeth and a dorsal fin that extends from the crown of their head to the base of their tail. As they gained their powers to survive in the deepest part of the sea after the collapse of the waters upon them, these features also play out as to part of their survival mechanism.

Node Locations

  Aside from the main node at the base of their tail and the front-most part of their long dorsal fin, wielders of this power also have mini-nodes at every point where they generate their bio-luminescence, giving the wielders of this power the greatest resistance against power suppression.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Allurists. Focused on shaping and wielding bio-electric constructs, Allurists nevertheless use their projections of bio-electricity for conduits of illusion, distraction, and sensory overload, inevitably drawing opponents into a compromised position where they come into contact with the damaging effects of the Allurist's Bioelectricity.   Additional Core: Luminous Construct

Luminous Construct

Luminous Construct
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create tangible bioelectric constructs from 'glows', which possess greater bioelectricity and are capable of emitting visual illusions as well as applying all the tangible effects of bioelectricity while also being strong enough to hold solid objects. The wielder is always immune to this effect.
Core Requirements
Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOOO), Mirux - Force of Illusion and Bedazzlement OO
Core Type
Linked 2

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Dazzlers. Dazzlers create small concentrated particulates of illusory bioelectricity, using this powder-like form to affect opponent's perception with a minor amount of powder, or dazzle them completely with a greater amount of it. The powder itself needs to be collected and concentrated to wield it as a focus for Aspectral Forms.   Additional Core: Luminous Powder

Luminous Powder

Luminous Powder
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to compress glows into a sand-like powder, keeping them concealed and allowing for their easy manipulation and quick expansion, resulting in the quick application and overwhelming of the senses of those targeted, which may go so far as rendering them completely stunned for a few moments. This does, however, make it slightly more difficult to gather this powder to create Aspectral forms from this ability.
Core Requirements
Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOO), Mirux - Force of Illusion and Bedazzlement (OO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Flickerdancers. Flickerdancers, regardless of whether they are above or below the water, create trails of bioelectric mist that both disrupt the focus of enemies with their glow, and also damage enemies touched by them, a rare capability for those wielding this power. These trails are always under the wielder's control, and can be woven together to create more complex Aspectral forms.   Additional Core: Luminous Trails

Luminous Trails

Luminous Trails
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to emit trails of bio-electrified air, and manipulate the electrified particles and their glows to create powerful illusions over electrified fields. These trails need to be woven together and dispersed/compressed to create Aspectral Forms from them.
Core Requirements
Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO), Mirux - Force of Illusion and Bedazzlement (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as Enigmatists. With an inability to emit the biolightning within their body outside of it in any way beyond their Mantle, Engimatists instead heavily lean upon manipulating the illusions of the glow they emit within themselves. A strong Enigmatist always keeps their opponents on their toes, making them question their immediate environment as the elemental glows they emit, start to create powerful and potent illusions in a field around them, resulting in the revealing of weak points to exploit.   Additional Core: Glow of the Deep

Glow of the Deep

Glow of the Deep
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to increase the glows of their body's bio-luminescence to great effect, creating grand fields of illusion centering around themselves affecting visual, audio, and even hearing and olfactory senses. These illusions can apply the effects of bio-electricity when touched, but are never solid and cannot do direct damage without additional elemental infusions through Foci.
Core Requirements
Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OO), Mirux - Force of Illusion and Bedazzlement (OOOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2
Paragonic Origin Cataclysmic - Collapse of the Navel of the Sea   Control Schema Multiplex en Simult - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple elements simultaneously.     Associated Nations/Peoples Wandering Tribe of the Exsillites   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus   Shaping Focused - This Aspect requires a strong control over base control over their power before they can even begin focusing on Sagesight and Sagecraft     Associated Elements


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