Aspect of Hewn Stone

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Hewn Stone have the ability to inherently to both manipulate stone and to carve it with precision, all without ever lifting a finger. Through their manipulation of earth and concussive energy, they are able to create fantastic and otherwise impossible works of stone, carve up the earth and soil, and use their stone manipulation as a catalyst for longer ranged concussive attacks.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Stone Skin (Earth OOOO, Estricto OO): Wielders of this power bind with a portion of rock after awakening, forming this stone into a Stone Skin that covers their bodies. This reduces the number of squares they can move to 3 less than normal, and prevents them from being able to wear any other armor. In exchange, points in this ability are treated as points of armor, and as it covers all parts of the body save for the eyes, successful rolls prevent any damage roll bonuses to targeting a particular part of the body as the armor is effective at deflecting lethal blows due to the inherent infusion of concussive energy within the stone.

Background Abilities

  • Increase physical strength to withstand carrying the extra weight of the stone skin
  • Increased resilience against physical attack, even through the stone skin
  • Greatly increased stone sensing.
  • More precise control over their own strength due to affinity with Estricto

Celestial Cores

  • Generate Stone Work

    Generate Stone Work

    Generate Stone Work
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to manipulate earth and/or Concussive energy in order to create stone structures of incredible complexity colloquially known as 'Stone Works'. These can range from minor spikes in the ground or the upending of an earthen mound to the creation and carving of an entire house complete with patterned motifs. At any point during the manipulation of the earth, the wielder can use concussive energy to carve into it, and the chunks of earth carved can themselves be used as weapons against their enemies.
    Core Requirements
    Earth Sphere (OOOO), Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Power through Stone

    Power through Stone

    Power through Stone
    This core represents the wielder of this power's ability to use the carved patterns they've created on rocks as conduits for the energy released by Foci. This allows for them to, with practice, use carvings they have etched into stone works or earthen manipulations to channel energies in a specified way, and allow for them to utilize the elemental forces of Foci in ways corresponding to their expertise (class categorization).
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Earth Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  As the stone skin is connected to them inherently through the Celestial Tapestry, the stone skin is itself an outer manifestation of their power, and even when not fully formed or shaped, the stones that eventually form its makeup follow the wielders of this power.  

Node Locations

  Aside from one main node in the Cerebellum, there are two sub-nodes in the pectoral muscles used to help maintain the Stone Skin.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Monumentalists. The rarest form of this Aspect they constantly reserve a portion of their Stone Skin in the form of a Stone Catalyst, which they carve in real time and them force the shapes they want upon the environment around them, shifting earth and stone in the area to accommodate the shapes they've made in their catalyst. This sudden shift in the earth makes them very powerful, but given that they need to have time to prepare, this also makes them more vulnerable without a good bit of pre-planning.   Additional Core: Snap-Shaper


This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use the shaping of a Stone Skin Catalyst that they wield to quickly manipulate the earth around them in shapes that mimic the catalyst. This Snap-shaping is limited in scope due to the nature of the catalyst, but allows them to quickly disrupt the earth around them to great effect. To reshape the catalyst is a regular action, and the complexity of the desired shape corresponds to the complexity of the roll itself, while the difficulty corresponds to the resulting manipulation of the earth afterwards.
Core Requirements
Earth Sphere (OOOO), Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Imprinters. By gathering the energy within themselves, carving the desired patterns upon their stone skin and then forcing the concussive energy out from that pattern, they are able to fire concussive blasts of the pattern that they desire outward, allowing them to instantly etch intended patterns into stone.   Additional Core: Concussive Etching

Concussive Etching

Concussive Etching
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to create intricate patterns of elemental energy and then project them outward, instantly applying them to any earthen object, and damaging enemies that are in the path of the attack. This gives them, in practice, surgical precision in terms of wielding concussive energy, and allows them to not only project this energy using the etchings of their bodies, but also do so off of the patterns etched within stone works nearby.
Core Requirements
Earth Sphere (OO), Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Earthcarvers. The most common form of this power, they are more easily able to gather and manipulate earth, and carve it with Estricto energies over time, giving them great precision in their final product. This also allows them to carve into the earth itself allowing for them to create earthen shockwaves with their attacks, and create massive carvings if given enough time to help channel their powerful energies.   Additional Core: Carver's Flow

Carver's Flow

Carver's Flow
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use their control over both earth and concussive energy to carve out rifts and divots in all forms of earth in large swaths, including soil, and use this flow of concussive energy to both disrupt and manipulate the earth. Possessing this ability also increases the precision in the creation of any Stone Work.
Core Requirements
Earth Sphere (OOO), Estricto - Force of Concussion and Striking (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as Etchers. Unable to activate stone Foci without it touching their body, they tend to have varying stone or jewel Foci placed on various parts of their body. However, because of the nature of this power, they can project the energies of the stones they wield as if they were part of their power set, with the refinement of the stones used in wielding them compensating for the lack of sphere points. This also reduces the range of the abilities they generate with said Foci.   Additional Core: Etching of power (Replacing Power From Stone)

Etching of Power

Etching of Power
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to gain greater control over the elements of Foci they wield so long as they touch their skin. This allows them to wield the energy through the etchings on their Stone Skin as if they are wielding the element in question without any limitations according to class category, but unless the Foci is of a legendary status in both material and carving quality, they cannot wield energy higher than OOOOO in that element, corresponding with an equal number of points in the Celestial Sphere
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Earth Sphere (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Ghen Mogul   Control Schema Multiplex en Tandem  - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple forces one at a time in sequence.     Associated Nations/Peoples The Mogulian Democracy   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Balanced - This Aspect requires a balanced training between basic Shaping and Sagecraft elements.   Associated Elements


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