Aspect of Molten Stone

Base Abilities

Wielders of the Aspect of Molten Stone have the ability to manipulate stone and heat, combining them to be able to generate and manipulate molten earth, and allowing them to create and reshape the resulting earth materials. This makes them deadly foes, though the generation of molten earth not only takes time but also takes a lot of focus to achieve this.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Molten Guards: As the wielders of this power have some part of their body covered in their molten armor, they can detach and make use of this as a reflective guard. When performing the Guard action, the player can instead roll their Earth, Ignus, and Intonation rolls against a non-majykal attack. The Earth and half their Intonation roll (rounded up) is used to deflect the damage dealt for that turn. Because the rock being used for this is hot, the Ignus and half of their Intonation roll (rounded down) is rolled against the enemy's Soak in order to determine how much damage is dealt to them. This effect is rolled at a difficulty of 8 (-1 per point in Molten Guards) and a complexity of 4. Performing this is a reflexive action that does not eat into action economy, and can be used to protect oneself or ones allies, but unless there is a cost of resources (1 AP + 2 Willpower, or 1 Willpower + 3 Ambient Energy) the molten guards crumble into ash after one turn of use and take around half an hour to fully restore for use again.

Background Abilities

  • Natural and strong resistance to heat (further increased with training in spheres)
  • Can survive without water for longer than most

Celestial Cores

  • Generate Molten Earth

    Generate Molten Earth

    Generate Molten Earth
    The player can manipulate earth infusing copious amounts of heat until it becomes molten, from which they can control the earth, flame, or lava aspects to create objects or Aspectral forms in battle. This can take the form of a pool of lava or suspended orbs of lava that only drip if the wielder has difficulty maintaining focus or concentration.   Generate Components:  Generate lava material equal to the lower number between the Ignus and Earth Spheres. For the remaining successes, Reroll all successes at regular difficulty (-1 for every sphere point past 5 in the respective sphere) to retain control of those additional materials. Base lava material of 1+1 per 3 points in Intonation.
    Core Requirements
    Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OOOO), Earth Sphere (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1

Outer Manifestation

  Those with this aspect have a reddish brown skin and tend to cover a part of their bodies (lower arms, shoulders, lower legs) with heated igneous rock corresponding with their elemental Form.

Node Locations

  Their nodes are located above each eyebrow in the front of the brain.  

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Elent form of this Aspect are known as Obsidics. They have a stronger connection to the earth than to fire, which makes it easy to rapidly cool molten earth that they create as they manipulate it, resulting in the creation of obsidian glass constructs which they can quickly reshape as desired. These constructs are also as fragile as obsidian, but have the unique property of being able to refract heat as well as light, making their presence enhance their ability to focus and manipulate heat.   Additional Core:
  • Form/Manipulate Obsidian

    Form/Manipulate Obsidian

    Form/Manipulate Obsidian
    This core represents the ability of the wielder to quickly manipulate the earthen part of lava, rapidly generating and manipulating it into forms of obsidian, and controlling the resulting obsidian. This can also be used to rapidly reshape said obsidian, or heat it up as part of an attack.   Component Rules: All Lava components rapidly coalesces into obsidian, which visibly stores the heat energy within itself to allow for rapid reshaping or projection.
    Core Requirements
    Earth Sphere (OOOO), Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2
  • Refraction of Heat

    Refraction of Heat

    Refraction of Heat
    This core represents the power to gather and redirect heat in its vicinity. This redirected heat can be focused into powerful beams, projections or waves of heat, or use the constructed obsidian as a focus for more complex projections or forms of elemental manipulation.
    Core Requirements
    Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OOO), Earth Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Myst form of this Aspect are known as Basalics. They have a balanced connection to both earth and fire, which allows them to create blasts of pillow-lava like projections of hot rocks, which they can manipulate and reshape further once projected from the ground/rocks. These rocks, once cooled, have the strength and hardness of basalt. They can also use basalt to radiate heat without reshaping the stone.   Additional Core:   Create Basalt Projections

Create Basalt Projections

Create Basalt Projections
This core represents the ability of its wielder to create hot rock projections of pillow lava. They can also reshape and solidify these projections into varying shapes, and also use those projections as a catalyst by heating the rock without turning this into lava.
Core Requirements
Earth Sphere (OOO), Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Flou form of the Aspect are known as Lavamancers. They have a stronger connection to heat than to earth. As such, once molten earth is generated through the process the lavamancers can use their powers to quickly project jets of heat and fire from the molten earth, expending the heat stored within it., along with manipulating the lava itself. The resulting igneous stone created when the heat is fully extended is pumice, which is the stone they wield on their bodies as representative of their craft. They can use this pumice to store and project the heat from their stone gauntlets.   Additional Core:   Project Molten Heat

Project Molten Heat

Project Molten Heat
This core represents the ability of the wielder to control and manipulate the intensity and direction of heat emanating from molten lava. This can be reshaped and controlled into visible projections that can take various Forms according to the techniques wielded in battle.The Obsidian Components used to project this energy uses up the Ignus sphere components stored within them, and must be restored for reuse before reshaping the Obsidian, or else the difficulty of doing so increases by 2. The player restores the missing ignus sphere components at a rate of 1+1 per 2 points in Intonation.    If the player's Intonation is higher than 5, if they generated more Earth material components than Ignus components, they automatically restore missing ignus sphere components at the above rate on subsequent turns after the initial materials were generated.
Core Requirements
Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OOOO)
Core Type
Linked 2

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of the Fatu form of this Aspect are known as Ashen Ones. They have a powerful ability to manipulate all forms separately and combined of earth and heat with equal control and power, but must have a connection to the earth through ash in order to do so. This connection through ash passively increases their heat resistance even further, allowing them to armor themselves with molten rock without self-harm, and project them out in powerful, Pyroclastic displays of lava manipulation. Outside of this, though, they mostly manipulate and control ash in dangerous manipulations known as Veils   Additional Cores:
  • Veil of Molten Ash (Replaces Molten Earth)

    Veil of Molten Ash

    Veil of Molten Ash
    This core represents the ability of the wielder to create, manipulate and control volcanic ash in an area around them at varying degrees of temperature. They can heat this ashe remotely at a distance, gather it into small forms of stone of varying types, and use it as a field of resistance against heat.   Generate Components: Generate ashen material equal to the Earth Sphere. For the Ignus sphere, Reroll all successes at regular difficulty (-1 for every sphere point past 5 in the respective sphere) to retain control of heat within the Ash Components generated. Base Ash material of 1+1 per 2 points in Intonation.
    Core Requirements
    Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OOO), Earth Sphere (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Pyroclastic Shell

    Pyroclastic Shell

    Pyroclastic Shell
    This core represents the ability of the wielder of this Aspectral power to cover their bodies with semi-molten earth in the form of a Pyroclastic Shell. They can eject pieces of this shell to form the core for various forms of attack, through any variation of heat or earth.   Component Rules: The player must dedicate an equal amount of Ignus and Earth sphere points in the generation of this attack as a partial cover over one or more parts of their body before treating it as any shaped or base attack. If the part of the body that is covered is being attacked, treat the attack as if they have struck a Molten Guard with an investment equal to the components used for the attack. Even if broken through, this effect can still be used as an attack without penalty.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Cores (OOO), Ignus - Force of Heat and Flames (OOO), Earth Sphere
    Core Type
Paragonic Origin L'vaya Baatolitey   Control Schema   Multiplex en Tandem  - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple forces one at a time in sequence.   Associated Nations/Peoples The L'vayan Nomads   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus   Shaping Leaning - This Aspect requires substantial training to control their power before focusing on Sagecraft and Sagesight.     Associated Elements


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