Aspect of Record

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Record have the ability to analyze the pattern flows of energy when an action is taken, record it within their Celestial Tapestry, and bring forth the phenomenon and its effects from that memory. In this way, they are formidable opponents, as they can take any action they can see or sense and wield it to their benefit with this power, and in doing so can almost exponentially expand upon the powers of the allies they work with.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Perfect Temporal Memory (Tempus OOOO): Wielders of this power have temporal energy flowing through the memory centers of their brain, enhancing their memories. At any point they can recall memories of their past with perfect recall, requiring a Perception + Perfect Temporal Memory roll of difficulty 9-1 per point in this ability. By attuning with temporal energy, they can also "Read the flames" of the Realm of Grey Flame in an area to learn the immediate past (Adding the Tempus Sphere to any Investigation Roll, but increasing the difficulty/complexity according to what they want to achieve) or even days before, so long as they have succeeded a sufficient number of times using this ability at a difficulty of 12-1 per point.

Background Abilities

  • Strong affinity with the Realm of Grey Flame, attuned to its flames and manipulations
  • Resistant to and sensitive of changes to the time stream.
  • Perfect memory recall (through enhancement from Temporal energies)
  • Ability to analyze moments in time through perfect memory.

Celestial Cores

  • Snapshot Phenomenon

    Snapshot Phenomenon

    Snapshot Phenomenon
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to internally retain the signature energies of a phenomenon they see before them and store it within their Celestial Tapestry. They must roll their Tempus sphere points against the complexity of the phenomenon in order to successfully do so, and due to the nature of their power, they may only have one chance to do so if the phenomenon was quick and rapidly dissipating.
    Core Requirements
    Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOOO)
    Core Type
  • Recall Phenomenon

    Recall Phenomenon

    Recall Phenomenon
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to recall a stored phenomenon from memory and recreate the energy and material signatures through temporal energy. If they instead seek to use the phenomenon in an Aspectral form that is not conducive to its initial form, this increases the difficulty of that effect by +1.
    Core Requirements
    Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOO), Various Elements (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this power always, without exception, have pure-white hair that almost seems to glow in dark areas, and does so when they use their powers. They also emit a slight smoky haze from the outer tips of their eyes.

Node Locations

  In addition to the trifecta of Fae Nodes (1 in the front of the brain, one at the back of the neck, one at the base of the tail), they also have a node in the center of the brain where the memory elements are stored and sub-nodes in the bone behind the edge of each eye socket.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Permanencers. They have the rare and powerful gift of being so attuned to the Realm of Grey Flame that they can divert its energy to make the activation or structure of any power-based phenomenon a permanent effect. While this can be done with any effect of choice, it is slightly easier to do this with abilities they've recalled from memory themselves, and the nature of the effect can increase its complexity to great heights. As such, this ability, quite ironically, takes the most time to apply, but the resulting effects are powerful and can only be undone with great difficulty.   Additional Core: Temporal Binding

Temporal Binding

Temporal Binding
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to bind an elemental effect, be it natural or manipulated, and make it semi-permanent by fueling the effect with energy from the timestream itself. This is a very difficult maneuver, and requires rolling against the complexity and difficulty of the effect done to match or exceed the success. Exceeding these parameters by 1 step makes the effect last for up to a year before requiring maintenance and upkeep, and exceeding them by 3 makes them functionally permanent unless undone by disruptions to temporal energy, energy flows (Fluva) or the Void itself.
Core Requirements
Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOOO O)
Core Type
Phenom Hollow

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Mimickers. Able to use their powers to sense the flows of energy used by allies or enemies to wield their power, they can mimic abilities from the source, converting the churning temporal energies within them to replicate their power in accordance with their memory. However, given that they need to perform the same actions as the person they are mimicking, there is a chance (increasing depending on various hindrances) that they may be unable to recreate the attack in the heat of the moment.   Additional Core:Snapshot Tapestry

Snapshot Tapestry

Snapshot Tapestry
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use their ability to Snapshot elemental powers combined with an increased sensitivity to the Celestial Tapestries of others to be able to Snapshot the energy signatures of their opponents Celestial Tapestry in action and therefore use their abilities to Mimic the one analyzed in the creation of that specific ability. The player needs to roll their Celestial Sphere to represent how much of their analysis target's ability and powers they can mimic.
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOO)
Core Type

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Memorizers. They can take the effects of an ability that they have snapshotted and, through combining other uses of power that they have stored in their memory, combine them into something more effective than the individual phenomenon. Doing so requires a period of focused mediation, but once done automatically becomes part of the repertoire of abilities they are capable of wielding.   Additional Core: Flow of Memories

Flow of Memories

Flow of Memories
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to take multiple Snapshotted phenomenon within their Celestial Tapestry and combine them into a single one. This Crafted Phenomenon can be recalled and reshaped into a phenomenon of choice without penalty, but the process requires rolling Wits + Intonation against a +1 difficulty to combine the effects.
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOO)
Core Type

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Thymesians. Unable to draw directly upon their own past memories for various phenomena to Snapshot, they instead use their perfect temporal memory with a reduced difficulty to draw upon the past of an area, and use what they observe there to determine what abilities to recreate.   Additional Core: Retrieve the Past (Replaces Snapshot Phenomenon)

Retrieve the Past

Retrieve the Past
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to, in exchange for being unable to snapshot ability signatures in the present, draw from and imitate the abilities wielded by those in the past through "Reading the Flames". This process requires the usage of Perfect Temporal Memory, and then rolling Tempus against the complexity of the phenomenon -2
Core Requirements
Celestial Sphere (OOO), Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (OOOOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality
Paragonic Origin Paragonic - Upsiluati Xenobia-Eldest   Control Schema   Stricturis  - This occurs when the Aspect only allows for the person to wield power derived or related to a specific phenomenon associated with their power. While this may allow them to wield multiple elements simultaneously, it limits the usage of those abilities.   Associated Nations/Peoples Faesmithea - House of Upsiluati   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Sagecraft Focused - This Aspect requires knowledge and use of Glimpse, Sagecraft and Sagesight to gain basic control over their powers before they can begin to control the nuanced elements of power through Shaping.   Associated Elements Tempus - Force of Time and Entropy (as the method by which the other elements of a phenomenon are recreated and generated)


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