Aspect of Shadowy Replication

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Shadowy Replication naturally create a replication of their body, an after-image/solid shadow generated from their body. This shadow generally remains separate from their creator's body, and can be used as a conduit to control elemental power. It can be reabsorbed with the body to further enhance an intended attack.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Replication of Senses (Celestial OO, Nux O): The wielder of this power can use their Psionic connection with their shadows and their ability to absorb light to be able to 'see' through their shadows. This is further enhanced based on the other spheres they have access to (Sensing tremors through Estricto/Earth, sensing heat through Ignus, etc). Regardless of what they choose to sense, they must roll a Perception against a difficulty 10 (-1 per point in Replication of Senses) to be able to do so. They can divide their senses across multiple replications, but doing so requires a number of successes equal to double the number of replications used to do so, or else they run the risk of having a mental feedback overload (temporary -1 to Willpower)

Background Abilities

  • Psionic control over shadow constructs
  • Denser Celestial Tapestry to allow for full absorption of shadow constructs

Celestial Cores

  • Generate Shadow Replication

    Generate Shadow Replication

    Generate Shadow Replication
    This core represents the creation or reformation of a shadow replication of the wielder of this power through the conduit of their own shadow. This shadow replication is capable of various physical tasks and follow simple mental commands, and has the ability to channel other energies where their creator normally cannot.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OO), Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OO)
    Core Type
  • Shadow Conduit (Hollow)

    Shadow Conduit (Hollow)

    Shadow Conduit (Hollow)
    This core represents the ability of the shadow-replication to become a conduit for other energies, allowing the wielder of this power to remotely control energies through their shadow replications. While this is possible, the energies they can wield tend to be slightly less potent.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), at least 1 Shadow Replication, Element of choice (OO)
    Core Type
  • Absorb Shadow Replication

    Absorb Shadow Replication

    Absorb Shadow Replication
    This core represents the ability of the wielder of this power to absorb their shadow replication into their own body, harnessing the shadow's energy and catalytic abilities to absorb and then release various elements, and/or enhance their physical strength for a short period of time, after which they need to take the time to generate their replication again.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere , Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Shadows cast upon them are deeper, making it easier for them to sneak around in the dark.

Node Locations

  The nodes are generally located behind the navel and in the center of the back.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Tri-Imperatives. They can create up to three shadow replications of themselves, each solid enough to perform the tasks that an average person can do, but with a level of fragility to the projections when damaged. However, while they individually are not as strong conduits of elemental energy, when absorbed by their creator, they can augment the power of his attacks with shadow energy resulting in powerful projections of elemental power for several minutes.   Additional Core:   Triune Shadow Strength

Triune Shadow Strength

Triune Shadow Strength
This core represents the combined energy of up to three shadows being absorbed by the wielder of this power, who then converts the energy into shadow infused elements, enhancing the effectiveness of his abilities based on the number of shadows absorbed. Additionally, regardless of if the energy within them is immediately expended or not, their strength is enhanced by an amount equal to half the number of successes in an Intonation roll.   Note: Specifically Linked to Absorb Shadow Replication
Core Requirements
Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality
Shadow Conduit Difficulty +1  

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Quadra-Commanders. They can create up to four shadow replications of themselves, two at a time. While these projections are weaker physically than their creator, they are strong energy conduits and are much easier to control, allowing the quadra-commander to use this shadowy squad to bombard enemies with accurate, albeit slightly weaker, attacks   Additional Core:   Order of Four Shadows

Order of Four Shadows

Order of Four Shadows
This core represents the coordinated efforts of four shadow's actions at once, allowing the playable character to both issue complicated commands or allow them to combine or harness their attacks together.
Core Requirements
Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OOO)
Core Type
Shadow Physical Task -2 STR

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Omnireplicantics. Unlike the others, they have no limits to how many replications they can generate, though the replications are fragile and easily destroyed if they are not careful. Rather than use them to project attacks, the masses of replications that Omnireplicantics make harmonize together with their creator to create massive flows of power that feed their shadow-selves into a larger elemental attack under the control of their creator, or flow back into their creator to allow them to wield their shadowstuff directly.   Additional Core:   Shadow Flowing Conduit

Shadow Flowing Conduit

Shadow Flowing Conduit
This core represents the ability of the wielder to coordinate, link and manipulate the conduit nature of their shadow replications to create powerful feats of elemental power.
Core Requirements
Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OOOO)
Core Type
Shadows cannot be used for anything more than picking up minor objects individually and collectively can break without sufficient numbers.

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as Double-Switchers. Unlike the other forms, they have no need to create any Shadow Replications, as they have a near-permanent, highly solid shadow-replication within or near them at all times. This shadow-double as is called is tougher and stronger than their creator, and is controlled as easily as breathing, due to the psionic link being strong. Destroying this shadow does damage to the creator as a side effect of this, but they are able to switch places with them at any time, and project the shadow-self outward from their own self, partially or fully as it is stored within.   Additional Cores: Shadow Displacement[

Shadow Displacement

Shadow Displacement
This core represents the ability to use the psionic connection to one's shadow replication and spatial orientation to switch locations with their shadow, so long as there is an unimpeded line between both locations. In shadowed areas, this can be extended to:
  • - Displacing the shadow replication to any shadow within close range
  • - Displacing the wielder to the position of the shadow of any of their allies.
  • - Displacing the shadow replication to the position of the shadow of any of their enemies.
Depending on the circumstances, maneuvers like this can have increased or reduced difficulty.
Core Requirements
Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OOOO)
Core Type
Solid Shadows

Solid Shadows

Solid Shadows
This represents the wielder's ability to solidify their shadow replication beyond what is normally capable, and allows them a higher tier of complexity when shaping shadows through the use of their shadow replication than they are normally capable of. This also allows them to create shadow-barriers, which function similarly to light barriers but which are also capable of absorbing some kinds of energy to sustain itself. This can also be used to reinforce their shadow-replication against damage.
Core Requirements
Nux - Force of Night and Shadows (OOO)
Core Type
  Replace Shadow replication with Solid Shadows. Shadow Replication is not destroyed through absorption.
Paragonic Origin Axonami Hudno-siaxa   Control Schema Proximus [Shadows] - This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield multiple or all other elements through the use of a single force.   Associated Nations/Peoples The City-State of Hudnoss   Associated Racial Categories   Ao'Maphra Lacrimaphra   Mastery Focus   Sagecraft Leaning - This Aspect requires knowledge of the use of Glimpse and basic use of Sagecraft to more fully control their powers. Once learned, more focused shaping is necessary for mastery over their abilities.   Associated Elements Nux - Force of Night and Shadows


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