Aspect of the Datamonger

Hoarders and purveyors of information

Core Abilities

Wielders of the Aspect of the Datamonger have the ability to generate, manipulate, convert, and shape information, manifesting in the form of bio-electricity, sounds, and signals as well as other methods of information. Using said bio-electricity as a catalyst, they can create illusions, recall or erase memories, manipulate digital forms of information, communicate over long distances verbally, over short distance through tactile connections, and much more.    

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Scanning Sense (Celestient OO): Wielders of this aspect have the ability to sense signals stored within electricity to varying degrees. This manifests as the following:
  • - Players can roll Perception + Scanning Sense roll with a difficulty of 11-1 per point to be able to read enemy signals. A higher range of successes determines the precision that they can sense this. With skill in subterfuge, they can use this on themselves to reduce their chances of being caught bluffing, and with higher successes they are able to ascertain more easily if someone is telling the truth or being evasive, as they can read the pattern of a person's changes in body functioning through focused attention. This can also be used to try and predict what an enemy is about to do in order to reduce difficulty evading the attack (if physical)
  • - Players can use Interfacing + Scanning Sense to be able to read data signals in technology. This has a +1 difficulty in physical technology without tactile connection, and -1 in situations where the signals are airborne.

Background Abilities

  • Electricity Resistance, immunity to sensory interference by non-magical means.
  • Resistance to memory tampering/mental attacks.
  • "Telepathy" through direct Celestial Tapestry communication
  • Greatly enhanced language and information processing center of the brain

Celestial Cores

  • Create/Manipulate Bioelectricity

    Create/Manipulate BioElectricity

    Create/Manipulate BioElectricity
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to generate and manipulate bio-electricity. This form of electricity, colloquially known as green lightning, contains the properties highlighted in the Bio-electricity areas of the Void Sphere, replacing the magnetic properties of normal electricity manipulation in exchange for the ability to disrupt living beings and their senses.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OO)
    Core Type
  • Data Control/Processing/Manipulation

    Data Control/Processing/Manipulation

    Data Control/Processing/Manipulation
    This core represents the infusion of bio-electricity with further information, collectively denoted as Data, to allow for the ability to send signals, process information sent through bio-electricity, and manipulate the transferred information of bio-electricity. This allows for the ability for Bioelectricity to further be used to send complex signals and even commands to those struck by said attacks
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this ability can be of any race (but usually Lacrimaphra ), and their general outer manifestation is somewhat muted. Without active and intentional discharge, they automatically generate static electricity. This passive effect increases in rapidity and potency whenever they are in high stress or emotional situations.

Node Locations

Unusually, the main node for this ability is located just below the throat, with the normal nodes associated with racial characteristics relegated to sub-nodes. Additionally, sub-nodes can be found in one or both hands.

Elent Form & Abilities

Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Horologists. They are able to solidify the Bio-electricity that they generate into various shapes, which they use as catalysts for all their abilities. They are also able to structure their bio-electricity into systems that can function as temporary celestial tapestries, allowing them to more easily manipulate other materials through their powers. Lastly, the light illuminated from their constructs itself can be used as a source for 'informational illusion', making them potent illusionists.   Additional Cores:
  • Bio-Lightning Systems

    Bio-Lightning Systems

    Bio-Lightning Systems
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to solidify bio-electricity into complex structures that can infuse materials of even flux, allowing the wielder to control and manipulate material through the formation of Bio-Electric 'tapestries', and making focus objects out of pure Bio-electricity as the focusing catalyst of their powers. By having this power, the wielder innately has access to the Semi-Autonomous Form of Aspectral manipulation, regardless of what class categories they have access to.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO)
    Core Type
  • Illusory Illumination

    Illusory Illumination

    Illusory Illumination
    This sphere represents the use of the illumination given off of bio-electric constructs or catalysts to affect the senses of those who gaze upon them. This not only can affect things in sight, but also the other senses as well.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality

Myst Form & Abilities

Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as CodeSwitchers. They are able to scramble and unscramble information, including information received by the senses, resulting in information overloads and inducing powerful synesthetic episodes. As a result, they are able to break through illusions easily, and use their powers to not only read but copy and extract data more easily.   Additional Cores:
  • Scrambling Static

    Scrambling Static

    Scrambling Static
    This core represents the power wielder's ability to scramble and unscramble data, functioning as a natural sort of encryption and decryption of information. This also can be used to make their bio-electric attacks scramble the senses of their opponents, confusing their senses and allowing a temporary synesthetic intermingling to occur.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality
  • Copy/Extract Data

    Copy/Extract Data

    Copy/Extract Data
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to be able to copy and/or extract data through their lightning strike. This extremely advanced technique can be used to share senses, memories, or inflict the pain that others have felt with their bioelectric attacks. Such powers are not to be taken lightly, as their abuse can result in stolen memories, amnesia, and other mental afflictions. While memories taken this way are not permanently lost, repeated attacks on one's memory can apply severe mental fatigue.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOOO O)
    Core Type

Flou Form & Abilities

Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Datablasters. They are masters of controlling information flows, being able to block information from both organic and technological senses from registering select information (becoming virtually imperceptible) transmit even data based information over long distances, and creating powerful, semi-permanent constructs of information to mentally overwhelm their opponents non-lethally.   Additional Cores:
  • Sensory-Data Evasion

    Sensory-Data Evasion

    Sensory-Data Evasion
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use their bio-electric Aspectral Forms and constructs to render themselves imperceptible to living beings. With practice, this can be extended to non-living forms of perception as well, resulting in virtual invisibility, and with further practice, can be applied to any subject, not just the wielder.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality
  • Bio-Overload Constructs

    Bio-Overload Constructs

    Bio-Overload Constructs
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to concentrate their bio-electricity into powerful constructs that, upon striking enemies, can begin to overwhem the nervous system, allowing for the non-lethal incapacitation of enemies.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOO)
    Core Type

Fatu Form & Abilities

Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as Encoders. They are able to manipulate everything related to data, but are limited in the scope of their ability and requires a connection to an object they want to manipulate through direct or indirect physical contact. This makes them extremely dangerous fighters, as a single touch can render their opponents unable to be sure if what they are fighting is even real. They can also make use of pre-charged objects as catalysts for their illusions.   Additional Cores:
  • Bio-Charge Object

    Bio-Charge Objects

    Bio-Charge Objects
    This core represents the ability of the wielder of this power to charge objects with bioelectricity for a controlled release of the energy. This is most easily done with an attuned object, but further training allows it to be done more astutely with objects not attuned to the wielder.
    Core Requirements
    One Object, Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOO)
    Core Type
  • Data-change Aura (Replaced Data Control/Processing/Manipulation)

    Data Change Aura

    Data Change Aura
    This core represents an aura that the wielder emits just off the skin that allows them the full capacity of manipulation that they are capable of. This limits their data manipulation powers to touch, or through touched objects, but does not extend to their general bio-electricity abilities. This does prevent their bioelectricity abilities from being affected by this aura unless the enemies are within close range of their body or any weapon that can conduct electricity,
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality
Paragonic Origin Dazai Houlgini   Control Schema Unilis    Associated Nations/Peoples Azer-Lucidium - Azertaxian native people   Associated Racial Groups   Mastery Focus Sagecraft Leaning   Associated Elements Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity  - Attuned to Bioelectricity


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