Aspect of the Infused Feather

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of the Infused Feather have the ability to grow feathers on various parts of their body depending on their various Forms. These feathers are a mixture of actual feathers and what are known as "Flux-Feathers", constructs made out of Flux that are naturally produced by their bodies to extend their actual feathered parts into constructs that they can use. They are able to use their natural feathers as catalysts to infuse their Flux-feathers with potential energy that manifests in various forms depending upon their elements of choice. Once infused, the flux-feathers move under their control or attack enemies or become fuel for the source of their Aspectral Forms, until their feathers are used up, requiring them to 're-grow' their Flux-feather manifestations.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Feather-Flight (Poteton OOO) - Once their Feather-constructs have manifested, Wielders of this power can fly in varying degrees or in varying ways dependent on their feather locations, as described in the Forms section below. Additionally, with points in Feather Flight, they can do the following.
  • -> A single fly-by attack without penalty (2 points)
  • -> Any line-based martial maneuver while maintaining aerial positioning (unless stopped) (3 points)
  • -> Any martial maneuver while maintaining aerial positioning (4 points)
  • -> Any skill gained from class category abilities while maintaining aerial positioning (additional maneuvers not learned through class training must be learned specifically in the context of aerial combat to apply)

Background Abilities

  • Greater lung capacity
  • Lighter bones
  • Reduced air resistance
  • intuitive control over flux feathers and flux feather growth (gaining the Flux sphere is possible but unnecessary to control their base powers)
  • Energy sensitivity through tru-feathers.

Celestial Cores

  • Infuse/Manipulate Flux Feathers

    Infuse/Manipulate Flux Feathers

    Infuse/Manipulate Flux Feathers
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to control the trajectory of their flux-feathers and infuse them with a chosen energy or give them the properties of a chosen material at will. They maintain control of the flux-feathers regardless of what state of infusion or transformation they are in.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO), Element of choice (OO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Depending on the location of one's tru-feathers, the outer manifestation of this ability can vary wildly, as the location of the feathers can vary in the following locations: the center of each shoulderblade on the back, the ankles of both feet, behind each ear, on the back of both hands, and as part of one's hair or in rare cases replacing their hair entirely.

Node Locations

  As with most Animaphra, this ability have nodes located where their animal aspects are on their body. Because in this case those locations vary, so to do the node locations change corresponding to the location where feathers sprout.  

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent Form are known as Featherdancers. They grow feathers on their head, alongside or in rare cases fully replacing their hair. They wield their Flux-Feathers by generating blasts or clouds of feathers which they control as a group, but because this energy is so diffused, the amount of potential energy within each feather is lessened, requiring a greater number of feathers to perform certain feats. However, because they don't directly use flux-feather wings to fly (See Flight Method below), they can continuously generate more feathers without fear of temporarily losing the ability to fly.   Flight Method: Featherdancers can fly through hovering over a surface in a cloud of loose flux-feathers, and have difficulty elevating themselves higher than 10 feet above the ground. They can fly up sheer cliffs only if they are within two yards of the surface of a cliff. However, they can move normally over solid and liquid surfaces, and can move parallel to the ground quite easily, equal to their normal movement speed.   Additional Cores:
  • Cloud of Dancing Feathers

    Cloud of Dancing Feathers

    Cloud of Dancing Feathers
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to generate a cloud of 16 or more flux-feathers around their body, emanating from their hair. Staying within this field gives them flight, the ability to sacrifice the energy within the field for reactive protection, additional soak (+2) and the usage of the feathers within the field for attacks. Generally the feathers within the field can be used to make up to 4 Aspectral attacks before depletion
    Core Requirements
    Variable Elements, Celestial Sphere (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Array of Down

    Array of Down

    Array of Down
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to collectively combine and arrange their flux-feathers into a powerful interconnected formation of feathers. This allows for the wielding and intertwining of different energies to generate more powerful effects. This does, however, take 1/2 to a full cloud of feathers to generate and wield properly, depending on the level of complexity.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Element(s) of choice (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Soarers. They gather large amount of flux-feathers to grow wings, which they use to fly over great heights and distances. They also shoot flux-feathers from their wings, which they use in sets of two as focusing catalysts for manipulating elemental energy. After a certain point, however, expenditure of flux-feathers prevents them from being able to maintain flight, and requiring them to land to regenerate their wings. As such, they are ironically most dangerous in power when used on the ground, as they can be devastatingly powerful if they use all their flux-feathers at once, since collecting enough feathers for flight in this way takes time.   Flight Method: Soarers have the most conventional form of flight out of all wielders of this power, given their wings, with one exception. Since their flux wings exist as collections of flux that allow flight, they can move in three dimensions without any penalties, making them the best fliers in terms of maneuverability. Their aerial movement speed exceeds their land movement speed as well, increasing by 1 yard per point in the Celestial Sphere   Additional Core:
  • Wings of Arrayed Feathers

    Wings of Arrayed Feathers

    Wings of Arrayed Feathers
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to generate their flux-feathers in the form of a pair of large wings. This grants them flight, additional attacking appendages, and the ability to generate gusts of wind from their wings which they may infuse with a minor amount of elemental energy.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Optional choice of element OO
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Featherstorm


    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to generate a blast of feathers with one or both wings, wherein they infuse and blast out the feathers in one fell swoop to create powerful effects. However, performing this action twice prevents the wielder from flying, and four times depletes all the flux feathers in both wings.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO), Element of choice (OOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Wingrunners. Possessing flux wings around both ankles of their feet, their feathers improve their movement speed, agility, and maneuverability, while sacrificing the general convenience of using their powers. Because the flux-wings on their feet do not require as many feathers to maintain, they cannot produce new ones as quickly, making every flux feather they use that much more potent. However, the benefits they gain other than flight from their winged feet are not diminished with the expenditure of flux-feathers, making them potent physical attackers on land. Each feather being precious and potent also means that only one feather needs to be expended for the use of power at any given time as well.   Flight Method: Wingrunners have an unconventional flight method given the location of their wings, which looks akin to almost leaping within the air, which they can only do for an amount of time based on their stamina without needing to rest on the ground or within water. This allows them great levels of maneuverability while being faster than on land, increasing their movement speed by 2 yards per point in the Celestial Sphere.     Additional Core:
  • Downy Feet

    Downy Feet

    Downy Feet
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to generate flux-feathers on their ankles in the form of tiny wings. These wings allow them to fly, move faster over land, move with greater agility even on the ground, and fire out powerful flux-feathers with kicks. The flux feathers can also be wielded normally, but such a maneuver takes extra time.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere OOO, Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation OOO, Element of Choice OOO
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Feathery Path

    Feathery Path

    Feathery Path
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to, as part of any maneuver involving movement (run, jump, climb, fly, etc) expend one or more feathers to leave a trail of elemental energy behind them. This trail can coalesce at a precise location at any point at or near the path they took as a particular Form. However, expending more than 2 feathers prevents the wielder from flying until only two feathers are missing.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation OOO, Element of Choice OOOO
    Core Type
    Linked 2

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as Sacred Warriors. A rare form of this power they lose the ability to fine-tunely manipulate the trajectory of the flux feathers they control, but are able to adjust the trajectory vectors of their flux feathers at sharp angles without any penalties to velocity. Additionally, they can connect their flux feathers into arrays that allow them to manipulate the resulting ability at the location or locations where they land, allowing for more complex abilities to be generated at a further distance than most.   Flight Method: Similar to their flux-feathers, Sacred Warriors can fly extremely fast (movement speed increased by 4 yards per point in the Celestial Sphere), but have essentially zero-turning speed and need to re-launch jarringly in different directions at high speeds in order to maintain uninterrupted flight or avoid obstacles. They this have increased resiliency to Movero to allow for this, though the nature of their powers require a heightened awareness of themselves and their own trajectory.   Additional Cores:
  • Quiet Flechettes

    Quiet Flechettes

    Quiet Flechettes
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to generate flux wings off of the feathers of their arms and fire their flux-feathers at enemies like quill flechettes dealing a minor amount of ranged piercing damage before applying the effects of whatever elemental infusion the wielder has chosen to use them for. Unlike other iterations of flux-feather generating cores, this does not prevent the wielder from being able to fly, as the quills used for firing are not the feathers use for flying.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Array of Pointed Feathers

    Array of Pointed Feathers

    Array of Pointed Feathers
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to prepare their flechette quills in an interconnected formation array in advance, allowing the wielder to create Aspectral forms at much greater distances than they would otherwise be able to. This does, however, prevent the use of one arm's worth of flechettes until replenished.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Element(s) of choice (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2
Paragonic Origin Kahurangi Maomeccri   Control Schema Proximus (Poteton) - This occurs when the Aspect allows the person to wield multiple or all other elements through the use of a single force.   Associated Nations/Peoples The Mecciri Tribes of Meibabwi   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Shaping Focused - This Aspect requires a strong control over base control over their power before they can even begin focusing on Sagesight and Sagecraft   Associated Elements Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation - Proximus Element Flux - Feather Manifestations and Control


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