Hudnossi (Hood-NOSS-ee)


  Garlanded in colorful fabrics and covered in special vanishing 'Aura Tattoos', the Hudnossi are rarely seen outside of their grand floating city of obsidian and its surrounding floating farmlands in the High Plateaus of the World of Ur-Adremishad. While their people are slightly shorted in physical stature, and insular by nature, they have slowly expanded their trade partnerships with nearby nations, while remaining mostyl cloistered in their aerial abode. Adorned in the dark feathers of the High Hawk, and adorned with gold, red, and black, they often stand our whenever travelers or sojourners from the city-state travel between the worlds.

Common Personality

The Hudnossi are respectful of sojourners and those willing to integrate into their societies, but they are generally a closed off people. This makes the process of integration difficult, and a multi-year long process to gain acceptance in their community, especially in the grand metropolis city-state. As such, while the Hudnossi are willing to provide help and assistance to their neighbors however they can, they are often distant from those that they are unfamiliar with or with those they dont go out of their way to form a relationship with.  

History Summary

Established by their grand Matriarch Axonami Hudno-siaxa (Asho-na-mi Hood-no-sia-sha), the Hudnossi people were once a small scattered tribe spread across the grand plateaus elevated above the Sea of Grass. Through a combination of enginuity and fortune, they happened upon a hidden resource of Terronic energy infused metal born deep within the earth between the plateaus, and, through a secret process and assistance by the Sagittarians for their hospitality, they managed to wrench the grandest plateau from the earth, transforming it into a mobile city state of obsidian and dark metal. As the city expanded, several accompanying and connected villiages were also elevated in the same process, to help provide food and resources to the grand city, allowing it to travel around the world and trade with the varying contries across it.  

Society and Common Environment

  Hudnossi society focuses on survival through communal strength. While they do not traverse the jetstreams of their world like most other floating island locations and nations, they do, however, render themselves more vulnerable to direct attack from hungry Wraiths due to their prominent location in the sky. Thus, "The Vein" the metallic source of energy that allows their City-state to maintain altitude, must constantly be guarded from attack, along with its people. Thus, the survival of one is the survival of all, and all people, man, woman and child, must be prepared and trained to defend themselves in case of emergency situations. To this end, the Hudnossi have established both a robust regiment of training that all must undergo, a special type of tattoos called Aura Tattoos that they apply to elevate their protection (ink infused with elements of The Vein itself, used to replace the resources they lack in creating armor), and a regimented army that serves as a form of defense both for the Vein and for the people themselves, known collectively as the Aucauna. They also are used to a more arid lifestyle conducive to life at higher altitudes.

International/Multi-ethnic relations

While they are a mostly insular culture, the Hudnossi understand the importance of trade, and designate specific spaces and even islands to this practice. Those who desire to stay and integrate themselves must first prove their usefulness in the survival of the community, then prove how well they can get along with their neighbors, before they become fully integrated. Foreigners who are fully integrated are seen as elligable for interpersonal relationships, but there is general cultural discouragement of relationships with foreigners outside of the community.

Religious Tendencies

Hudnossi religeon is focused solidly on the present, as they see Time as a Grand Loom being woven together by their two chief deities, Huillyuur and Amnsuur, known as the Twin Aquissi. Huillyuur is the goddess of the Passing of Days, representing the stability of all the conceptual aspects of existence, and her husband Amnsuur, god of the Structure of the World, representing the stability of all tangible aspects of existence. Together they weave the Grand Loom of Reality, pulling together the chaotic future into a presence that all can tolerate. In opposition to the Twin Aquissi stands Pekkerau, demonic source of all chaos, evil, and entropy, who seeks to disrupt the loom and is the source of the entropy of existance through his sheer interference. As such, to use even part of the name of this demonic being as a reference to someone else is a grave insult.

Ethnic and Racial Traits

  • Ao'Maphra , Lacrimaphra - The vast majority of the populace are Ao'Maphran, whith the distinction that those who are born at least partially to foreigners have a chance of being Lacrimaphra
  • Languages: If not exposed to foreigners, most speak Qennochi with Ur-Areiesam Common. Those who are well studied or who interact with foreigners often learn a few additional languages to communicate with customers from various nations.
  • High Plateau Living: Those born and raised in Hudnossi society are skilled in surviving in high altitude situations (-1 difficulty) and even more so if the high altitude areas have low rainfall (-1 difficulty).
  • Faeian Weapon: All Hudnossi are trained to be able to fight at a base level (+1 in any class category of choice) and know how to wield the Astral Axe, a specialized Hudnossi Axe-Mace Hybrid. They are also given access to and trained to wield their secret Aural Tattoo technique as a method of defense, with soldiers additionally given specially o capes to further protect themselves


Aspect of Shadowy Replication  

Unique Martial Traditions

Anq-Mayuq - The default training for all soldiers   Sutu-Mayuq - Training for scouts that makes use of both their speed and their acrobatic capabilities.
Associated Nation: The Obsidian Metropolis of Hudnossi   Associated Languages: Qenocchi   Associated Aspects: Aspect of Shadowy Replication


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