Manneyi (Man-neigh-yee)


  Possessing Ashen hair and skin tinged with grey, the Manneyi are the first and most prominent civilization made up purely of Forsaken in the history of the world. Often wearing clothing or jewelry with beads made from stone or metal, the Manneyi are often known as "The Grey People" as they use stone dust in their facepaint and as decorum for their clothing, muting the colors of their clothing. They also often wear long shawls and cloaks as well as thicker clothing, representative of the cooler weather of their mountainous region.

Common Personality

  The Manneyi are nevertheless a cheery people who, freed from their Hunger Burden, have embraced life. While they are serious about preserving fellow Forsaken against the ravages of Hunger, and have made it an official form of study in their kingdoms, they are nevertheless a people who take life as it comes and adapts accordingly, communally bound to defend against strife: Bodily strife from their internal void, communal strife from interpersonal issues, and international strife that leads to war. They stand against all of that, as the latter two were seen as the cause of their near-universal Forsaken status.

History Summary

  Descended from the ancient Olcannyi civilization, the Manneyi used to be known as the Olcan-Arezsh, "The Castoffs of Olcan", in their language. Olcannyi was destroyed in a cataclysm of their own making when the people developed, with their vast powers, Twin Relics known as The Stones of Olcan, Giant floating energy emitters of Darkness and Light energy, planned to be used as symbols of their power as well as central generators which would power their civilization during the night and day respectfully. However, enemies, of the state sabotaged their plan triggering both crystals at the same time and causing a massive Void Tide Event, cursing the heart of Olcani civilization to become a Badlands, killing thousands of people, and forcing the remnants to migrate to the distant forests. Then, later, further invaders came to conquer the land, calling themself Luzicca, and forcing the remnants to the Band of Mounts, the natural border of mountainous Taiga between the newly formed nation of Luzicaa and the now peaceful unity of Meibabwi. There they were sent to slowly die off as their bodies become ravaged by the Hunger inherent to their Void-touched powers. Yet one man never gave up trying to find a solution to their Hunger: Yane Mannemyoc, who discovered not only a method of staving off the hunger, but in doing so discovered how to naturally heal the internal void siphon to minimal levels, granting them the powers to control their energy absorption rate and also restoring their ancient crafting powers into the modern era. For this, the former Olcani people renamed themselves in his honor, taking on the name Mannemyocan as a nation and Manneyi as a collective.

Society and Common Environment

  The Manneyi lifestyle is focused on the disolution of what are collectively known as The Three Conflicts. The First Conflict is that within, the internal conflict of having a internal void siphoning off one's energues. The Second Conflict is one within oneself, between the mental, physical, and emotional elements of one's being. Unity between all three is the key to understanding and clarifying intent, resulting in clear speech and communication with others. This then leads to the Third Conflict, which is between people. Clarity of speech intent, and emotion are paramount here, and without resolving the Second Conflict, the Third can never be solved. For this reason, followers of this philosophy, which is called the Passages of the Three Conflicts, seek to be peacekeepers, an important and necessary survival factor when dealing with the harsh climate of their mountainous home. This doesn't mean that they are incapable of self-defense, but it does mean that they only do so when pushed to the limits of their capacity to remain nautral or defensive. Thus, for the most part, Manneyi society is a society based on collaboration for the sake of survival, to the result of being able to thrive in a harsh environment.

International/Multi-ethnic relations

Due to them being an entire nation of Forsaken people, the Manneyi are somewhat isolated, with only a select few nations (Eisendoria, Ney'kduria, Xa, Faesmithea) providing aid initially. Once their Founder, Yane Mannemyoc, discovered a way for them to continue to live and thrive as forsaken, this aid expanded to a permanent alliance, with the Manneyi finally given the strength ability to retain their faculties permanently, live among and build larger communities without incidences of energy vampirism, and properly build their own nation, as well as export resources and skills. The existence of a thriving nation of Forsaken brought hope to many, and those who were so afflicted (and their families) began to flock there, resulting in multi-ethnic connections from across the Celestient Universe. For the most part, the Manneyi embraced this, accepting all who desire to live and thrive together with them in the harsh wilderness.

Religious Tendencies

The Manneyi Religeous systems have opposing gods, with a plethera of spirits on either side. The goddess of peace and verdency, TaluO'telu and her warring brother, the god of strife and scarcity, UltaN'gota. From the strife of these two deities, overseen by the judges of the universe, The Mother and The Father, came all forms of strife in the universe, according to their belief system. It is thus believed that the Passages of the Three Conflicts are a divinely portented document, thus making it the state religeous belief.

Ethnic and Racial Traits

  • Racial Categories: Forsaken of any other racial group, with descendants of the Olkannyi being Forsaken Ao'Maphra or Lacrimaphra
  • Languages: IyOlcani, Common of the world they live in, and one of the languages of those nations they trade with.
  • Craftsman's Eye: Due to the nature of their own powers, Manneyi have a keen eye for assessing the quality of materials and items. Player can roll Wits + Specialization to make an assessment of the quality of any material or item.
  • Unique Mannnyi items: Returning Dart, Launching Sticks.


Unique Martial Traditions

  • Entolc - use of launching sticks for both close and long ranged attacks.
  • Degacolas - martial arts focused exclusively on wielding the Returning Dart, difficult to train/teach, but powerful.
Associated Nation: The Mannemyocani City States   Associated Languages: IyOlcani


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