

Neiva is one half of the duo known as Bane's Children, best known for her ability to bind and capture Dread Barons. Known to the party, she is a prominent Splinter of Nazima, and holds a Mantle of Power as the "Aspect of Zi". While usually operating on her own, in recent years she has allied herself with the Guardians of the Basin, serving as a member of their G.O.L.A.R.I.O.N. Team.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Eyes of Agony (Passive, Constant): Neiva is physically blind, but possesses a collection of fourteen supernatural senses that allow her to "see". Mechanically, she does not gain the Blinded condition, and is treated as if she were affected by Arcane Sight. Within 1 mile of her location, Neiva can accurately detect the presence of flames, corpses, Wither, and the forces that drive natural disasters. When observing a non-Saint creature within line of sight, she can immediately tell if they are in pain, hungry, thirsty, suffocating, diseased, defiled, in mourning, or even in love. If touching a willing or unconscious creature that has one of these statuses, Neiva may experience a brief vision of what caused the affliction, similar to a dream granted by the Dreamer.
  • And So The Land Was Mine To Bend (Full Action, 1/Day): As part of invoking this ability, Neiva can cast a single healing spell from her spell list (assuming she has the spell slot left to cast it), which affects a number of targets as specified by the spell. However, the amount of healing received is equal to the maximum possible listed by the spell, in addition to a number of Temporary HP equal to Neiva's level. Neiva can instead use this ability in conjugation with her Healing Channel ability for 3 RP (in addition to the 1 RP required normally).
  • What Lies Beneath (1 round, 1/Week): Deep within Neiva's many layers of robes, an arcane maw splits her torso from the base of her neck to her belt line. Through great effort, she can open this mouth and attempt to inhale any Outsider of Saint-level or lower within 30 ft., binding them inside the metaphysical prison of Vulreach, of which Neiva is the warden. To determine success, roll 1d100 -- if the amount is strictly higher (not equal to) the percentage of the creature's remaining hit points, the creature is ensnared. Whether the creature may later escape Vulreach is entirely dependent on the captive, but doing so would require legendary effort, and few in all of history have ever succeeded...

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Few have ever seen Neiva up close and personal, given that her arrival often coincides with the presence of a eldritch horror, but scholars with a keen eye and shrewd ears have collected the scaps of Neiva's origins over her centuries-long service to mankind. In particular, her worship of Gozreh has long since hinted an ancient origin in Golarion, likely around the same time as Hannet. Although her actions have saved countless lives, Neiva has stated on several occassions that her business with the Dread Barons -- specifically the Thirteen Agonies -- is one of revenge, and that she will not rest until each and every creature of the Dark Tapestry is banished from the realms.
Long, White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
143 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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