Terris Intel Report: G.O.L.A.R.I.O.N. Teams

[Last updated 7th of Sarenith, 317 AG.]   As of early Sarenith, we've identified several other organizations with an Access Beacon, who are at varying stages of accessing Golarion. While many are from the Pact Worlds, this is due to the location bias of our spy network. In other words, there may be other teams across the galaxy that we are not aware of. We will update this document as new intel is discovered.  

Phoenix Avirae

Phoenix Avirae is controlled by Alexander Marcus. They had an Access Beacon in construction on Aballon, but it was destroyed by agents of House Terris, and thus operations were halted until late Desnus. We know they have been logged in almost constantly since that time, and have several engineers unwillingly working under their employ.  

Cult of Whispers

The Cult of Whispers is in someway affiliated with Alexander Marcus, but answer to the lords of Aucturn. They have an Access Beacon on Aucturn, which also serves as their home base, and have been entering Golarion since early 317 AG. Given a total lack of agents on the planet, identifying their party makeup has been all but impossible.  
  • Party Leader: Mikhael, the Gorgon
  • Party Member: Roarin' Ruby
  • Party Member: Catherine
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Engineer: ???

Guardians of the Basin

The Guardians of the Basin are an independent organization made up of Fey. Despite having similar goals to House Terris and the Chessboard Conclave, they have no interest in cooperating with us. Several members of the team were imprisoned on Varos until a few months prior, so they have only just begun logging into the system via Access Beacon.  

Chessboard Conclave

The Chessboard Conclave is a mercenary organization run by Chess, and is comprised of some of the deadliest warriors in the Pact Worlds. If they were federal criminals, we would rank every member S-Class, or perhaps even higher (if such a rank existed). They have an Access Beacon on the Horse Eye Orbital Plate above Aballon, which is notably in opposition of Marcus' territory. They have been logged into the game since late 316 AG, perhaps a week after the initial invitation from the Centurion.  
  • Party Leader: Alexis Night
  • Party Member: Caesura
  • Party Member: Hailwing
  • Party Member: Kell
  • Party Member: Ozz
  • Party Member: Meryl Darling
  • Engineer: Fidget


We know next to nothing about the Stewards party, other than that the aura signals pouring out of Bastion have to be from an Access Beacon. We don't know how they're running the Beacon on Absalom Station, given that the radiation from the Starstone is prohibitive. Our agents have caught wind of a top-secret project starting in early 317 AG, but the brass seems unreasonably hush-hush about it, so we have nothing concrete.  
  • Party Leader: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Engineer: ???

Starfinder Society

The Starfinder Society has only recently begun pursuing the materials required to build an Access Beacon, which we believe they have completed as of early Desnus 317 AG. The identity of the team members are listed below. One of our agents believes that they are purposely hiding their operations from the Stewards, but this has yet to be verified by a senior agent.  
  • Party Leader: Navasi
  • Party Member: Obozaya Ymeros
  • Party Member: Raia Danviri
  • Party Member: Altronus Barasul Dovenayan
  • Party Member: Kesokodai
  • Party Member: Iseph
  • Engineer: Quig Dexel


Several reports indicate that the corporation has an Access Beacon in the Diaspora, which is to be expected. What's strange is that they seem to have the support of the Free Captains, and in 316 AG they were seen meeting with members of the Hellknights.  
  • Party Leader: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Engineer: ???


Bretheda is the only planetary government we know of that has built an Access Beacon, likely due to the authoritarian will of Confluence. We know for certain that Confluence is a player in the game, and that despite being a collective, the game treats it as a single unit. We don't know anything about the remainder of the team, but we do know that the party has been registered since late 316 AG, roughly six days after the invitation from the Centurion.  
  • Party Leader: Confluence
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Engineer: ???


We have identified origin of the Access Beacon signal coming from the Veskarium as Vesk Prime. Multiple sources now confirm the empire's direct involvement, and the names of the players. We will provide more information on these individuals when available, but given that we believe all are members of Directive 9, this will be no small task.  
  • Party Leader: Major Kedrad
  • Party Member: Sub-Major Susni
  • Party Member: Master Sergeant Jovnaz
  • Party Member: Sergeant Urash
  • Party Member: Corporal Zutreg
  • Party Member: Gunner Odaven
  • Engineer: Sergeant Tvulabdit

Azlanti Star Empire

We are detecting a faint Access Beacon signal from the Azlanti system, but have yet to pin down its location, or who is involved. At the moment, we assume this is an empire-wide effort to steal secrets from Golarion.  
  • Party Leader: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Party Member: ???
  • Engineer: ???
Report, Intelligence
Digital Recording, Text
Authoring Date
Gozran 28th, 317 AG
Signatories (Organizations)


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