Season 10, Episode 4: "The Who-Was" Report

General Summary

The Dream Team were up in a flash, leaving MaMa behind due to her recent Wither Corruption, arriving in a fury on the docks of Noma. While stalled briefly by several Doom Heralds (which after being killed, completed the doom-infused coating on the Mercenary's swords), the party chased the trail of carnage to the center of the city. But rather than finding Noma in flames, they instead found a flesh web crafted by Drikka Masson, the only sign of the dozens of Devourer cultists that had made their way into the bubble city.   Drikka was clear that Crow had arrived on the city, but he had left not long after the group arrived, and that she had chosen to save Luna over the hangar of the SS Iron Drake. Still high on the energies surrounding her web, she offered Lockette a vision of the future before they left — showing a war in a field of bones, a moon kissing a tower, and Isra being torn in half by two Deaths, so alike in their essence that she couldn't tell them apart.   Once at the Iron Drake's hangar, Lockette was devastated to find a trail of clues that indicated the suicide of Dr. Lebowitz, who gave her life before Crow could steal critical information from her mind, and the mech itself nowhere to be found. But after scanning the remnants of the doctor's computers, she discovered a new "swarm mode" had been activated just before the Beast of Armageddon's arrival, and once deactivated, the SS Iron Drake phased back together from billions of nanites spread all over the town.   After a moment of quiet thought, the group split up — with MaMa deciding to go to the Rookery, Lockette going to discuss recent events with Luna, Mu returning to the Forge to prepare for battle, and Abelina, Mist, Flay, and the Mercenary checking in on Absalom Station.  
  • Using one set of her new Tinker Tools and the knowledge she'd gained from the Scoured Stars, Lockette and Luna recreated the strange relics carried by the Jinsul and added their functionality to Lockette's molecular borer.
  • MaMa summoned the robotic spirit of the Rookery, known in secret to be Regulus, but heard to others as the "Who-Was". Broken down after centuries of neglect, he seemed capable of navigating the dimensionally-broken ruins to recover knowledge, but MaMa struggled to gather information from him on her own.
  • Abelina left the group to check on the Starstone, and later decided she would be traveling to the Boneyard separately from her companions. However, she asked Flay to call her on a comm unit before she left, and to leave the line open.
  • Lockette checked in with MaMa at the library, but Regulus was nowhere to be found. However using her new System abilities, Lockette was able to uncover two texts (On the Sidewards Schism and My Time in Paradise) and (with Aggy's help) bind their memory back to a physical form. She also discovered an otherworldly sphere containing a message from another Petal (see Petal Consortium Report #6442), which implied that Hoppers have been coming to the Entwined Infinities for Iterations.
  • Mist, Flay, and the Mercenary go on a shopping spree, and encounter a strange figure in the market. After trading him 1,000 credits for Divination-infused bananas, the Mercenary consumes one of them and experiences a vision in the Abyss, where several Oni lie in waiting, and called the Mercenary their "General".

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes.
  • The team went shopping!
  • Lockette recovered two inert halves of an ancient, technological sphere...

Created Content


I did not play the Who-Was, we got a surprise co-GM from Mist's player! Perhaps Regulus will return in another campaign, long after the last star has gone out in this world...
The Centurion's Riddle
Flame in the Night
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0
Report Date
04 Feb 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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