Season 10, Episode 7: "That Deathless Death" Report

General Summary

Having recovered the Four Winds and memory of Masamune (formerly the Mercenary), the Dream Team continued their plan and diverted from the main force, diving into the chaos that took over all of the Boneyard courts. Wading between battles that witnessed Outsiders from every conceivable plane of existence, but especially the Dark Tapestry, speed and craftiness were paramount to their success.   But even as they failed, a strange wind rose up behind them, guiding them towards victory against the walls between men and gods. Old friends emerged to guide the way, including the Daughters of Night, Melody, Wyatt and Nassistra, Tesin Movahesh and the Kinder, Aggy and the Rookery Dweomerblades, the Guildmaster, Gris, Damien Iroh, Chiro, Flint Penumbra, Klendalikh and the House of Sinners, the spirits of Nikkost and Warmth in the Clouds, and Roger Glipglorp in a 10-foot tall battle mech.   Emboldened by the support, the crew met up with Gillby at the final wall and pushed into the inner court proper, only to walk directly into another battle. On the one side (claiming allegiance to the Dream Team) was Vaughn Blackblood, Wynrey, Caesura, Wyatt, and Nassistra. On the other, the Guardians of the Basin — save Ragarot and Neiva — backed up by Mandarb, the Erlking, and eight monarchs of the Wild Hunt.   Neither seemed willing to budge on their purpose, with one force intent on moving forward, and the other keeping them out of Pharasma's Spire. An old promise came to the surface, unspoken but sorely felt:
"The next time we meet, we might not be friends."
Then the Dream Team joined their allies, and two sides met once more in the center. Desperately outnumbered, Ferro and Tera agreed to share their staff, beginning a massive ritual in the forms of an elderly Tyr Orion and Seirith Sharde. Mandarb reluctantly stepped in to attack, clearly under orders by Pharasma, and unwillingly to forfeit his duty.   In the following seconds, arboreal arrows tore away at flesh and armor, and pure magic manifested at such a level to sear the soul. Skiv released a terrible Howl before he fell, returning to the Abyss, and Carrot arrived over all, invoking the pacts between death and Night, and the laws that bound the Wild Hunt.   Lockette erupted from cover, leaning into the wind that followed them, and bored through the shield that protected Tyr and his carefully-held concentration. MaMa gained control of the Wild Hunt, and the Erlking and his riders turned their arrows. With their final breaths before they returned to the Outer Gates, Ferro and Tera begged the party not to go onward, and to leave Isra to her fate.   The party pleaded for Mandarb to surrender, but instead he rushed towards Pharasma — the gate once held by Ferro and the Erlking now fallen — and so the Dream Team was forced to put down their ally and friend. The Angel was destroyed, erupting into a blanket of bloody, black feathers...   And then Isra's screaming echoed down the stairs.  

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • Lockette used a Card of Good Hope to bore through the mystic aegis of "Old Man Tyr Orion" (controlled by Ferro), cancelling out one of the most damaging abilities ever conceived in the Infinity Petal.
  • No changes.

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"An ancient figure sits at the bottom of an hourglass, sand pouring over him with the steady passage of time. He walks among a thousand lives, each oblivious to the danger around him. As it climbs to his chin he waves his last goodbye, drowning with a smile."A Vision in Pandemonium, November 15th, 2015
The Centurion's Riddle
Flame in the Night
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0
Report Date
26 Feb 2023


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