Season 2, Episode 2: "Abelina, Aballon, Abaddon!" Report

General Summary

Over the course of three days, Mining Team 6 reveled in their freedom and full wallets, exploring Absalom Station and upgrading their personal armories.   Of note, Sensei took a personal interest in Mist, giving him a simple plasma cutter as a gift, and teaching him some of the ancient sword techniques of the feline Ysoki - specifically the sword forms Wind and Rain. To augment this gift, Mist contracted Rudy Lotterbee to create a special longbow, that uses Drift technology to hurl arrows faster than some low-caliber pistols. He plans to use the prototype in combat as often as possible, and will upgrade the bow when he has enough feedback (and credits) for Rudy to work with.   Chad met with Kikyo, a criminal defense lawyer recommended by Valentina Terris, and won a swift legal case against Absalom Station PD. He was given several thousand credits as reparations, a personal dock in Port Alpha (which has express boarding access to the station), and formed Jelly Bois LLC to obtain an expedited Pact Worlds merchant license. Save for Lockette, the party joined the company under various roles, and started sharing the employee benefits.   Both Lockette and Chad got cybernetic augmenters, and installed them in each other's heads to lower the purchase price. While everyone got an armor upgrade, Tesin spent the bulk of her funds on an upgraded Lashunta ringwear, making her practically untouchable by anyone punching below the party's weight. Isra seemed to be the most conservative with her funds, making a few small upgrades to her gear, but otherwise keeping the credits to herself.   During the final day, Ragarot admitted that he wished to leave, and wanted to pay his life debt to Chad back in his own way. The real Gorgon was still out there somewhere, and the Fey hungered for revenge. But there was more to this story... The Gorgon was holding Ragarot's "soulmate", Che hostage, and he feared for her fate in the criminal's hands. The party agreed wholeheartedly, and said farewell to another friend, wishing him all the best in the future.   Then the party boarded an upgraded Aga Jain, now equipped with a self-sufficient botanical garden, stocked with weeks of food and water for the journeys that lie ahead. Luwazi came to visit at the last second, clearing the air between her and Lockette, and confirming that Lockette Endrinmaster the 1st was involved in a joint project between the Stewards and the Starfinder Society. Although she was forbidden to say anything, Luwasi warned Lockette about trusting Atticus McCallow, and seemed to imply that the project had ended poorly. Before leaving, she asked if Lockette might consider working for her anyway, and offered her a new Starfinder badge, which Lockette accepted.   With all business concluded, the Drift engine roared to life, and the party spent five days traversing the storms and stars. The Dreamer granted them troubling visions of the past, specifically of the members of Mining Team 5, and their varied eldritch patrons (see the list of newly created content below). As the ship got closer to Aballon, they saw images of Abelina and her grandfather Jun, a world-renowned Drift Beacon Engineer. The two were captured by a strike team in black military fatigues while working on the latest iteration of a Drift Engine, which may have been related to the plans released six months prior by the Centurion.   After an effortless landing in Striving, the party was suddenly attacked by a group of goblins, who had high-jacked a starship on Absalom Station and followed the Aga Jain through the Drift. Unfortunately for the goblins, they were woefully unequipped to take on the fire-forged mining team, and quickly met their end. The survivors claimed that they were seeking to kill Tesin as part of a vision quest from Lamashtu, but didn't seem capable of elaborating anything more complex than that.   Then the Anacites arrived to take care of the rest, and following an hour of explanations and paperwork, Lockette offered the party a quick rest at her place. But as she turned down her street, nothing was the same... New faces, new buildings, new landmarks - and no workshop.   Lockette's home was gone.  

Rewards Granted

Tarot Deck
  • No changes
  • None

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Find Abelina Tremont (Party): In Progress
  • Find Shalema (Tesin): In Progress
  • The Solarions of Idari (Tesin): In Progress
  • Balio's Secret (Mist): In Progress
  • Credentials On My Mind (Chad): In Progress
  • Defeat the Raggedy Man (Chad): In Progress
  • Liberate the Forge (Isra): In Progress
  • Where Are My Keys? (Lockette): In Progress

Created Content

The Centurion's Riddle
Tesin Movahesh
Thunder in the Mist
Lockette Endrinmaster 12 2.0

Report Date
06 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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