The Sacred Nesting

The Sacred Nesting stands as an institution with a storied past, combining elements of both a research center and a hatchery devoted to the study of dragons and the cultivation of Cyndraaki, the unique race known as dragonborn. Its history intertwines with the kingdom's military needs during a time marked by a previous leader's initiatives. The focus has since evolved, emphasizing learning, discovery, and a deeper understanding of dragonkind and the Cyndraaki.   Research and Hatchery: The Sacred Nesting comprises a variety of facilities and laboratories, gathering scholars, researchers, and dragon enthusiasts from across Cynndraca. These facilities include:
  • Dragon Roosts: The Sacred Nesting provides specially designed roosts to accommodate the varied dragon species, allowing for controlled observation and interaction with these majestic creatures.
  • Heritage Studies Workshop: The workshop is dedicated to studying dragon genetics and dragonborn lineage. Researchers labor to unlock the secrets behind draconic ancestry and its impact on the dragonborn.
  • Cultural Archive: An extensive archive holds a wealth of knowledge concerning dragon cultures, histories, and societal structures. It serves as a valuable resource for comprehending dragon behavior and social dynamics.
  • Healing and Veterinary Wing: A team of dedicated healers and veterinarians cares for injured or ailing dragons to ensure their well-being. This wing also plays a crucial role in the study of dragon physiology.
  • Dragonborn Studies: This department meticulously examines dragonborn life, culture, and history. It offers invaluable insights into the lives of those with a unique connection to dragons.
  Legacy of Dragonborn Creation: The Sacred Nesting has a distinctive history as the previous source of the military Cyndraaki, created to bolster the kingdom's forces during a past conflict. This endeavor led to the birth of the first-generation Cyndraaki, a distinct and honorable race. Though the practice was eventually halted, these dragonborn remain a cherished part of Cynndraca's heritage.   Current Purpose: Today, the Sacred Nesting has transitioned into a place of enlightenment and learning. It is dedicated to the study, preservation, and protection of dragonkind and the cultivation of a deep connection with the dragonborn. Researchers, scholars, and students collaborate to expand knowledge in dragon genetics, biology, culture, and history.   Public Engagement: The Sacred Nesting actively participates in public education initiatives, extending an open invitation to visitors from across Cynndraca. It welcomes all to learn about dragons, the dragonborn, and the ongoing research undertaken within its walls. Guided tours, lectures, and educational programs are offered to the public to foster an appreciation for these magnificent creatures and the wisdom they hold.   Contributions to the School of the Gilded Dragon: As an integral part of the larger School of the Gilded Dragon, the Sacred Nesting shares its insights and discoveries with other divisions. It provides a unique perspective on dragons and the dragonborn, enriching the education and training of wizards, sorcerers, and military leaders.   The Sacred Nesting serves as a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment, dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of dragons and their exceptional connection to the Cyndraaki, providing an essential resource for all who seek to learn about these fantastical creatures.


The Sacred Nesting operates as an autonomous institution under the School of the Gilded Dragon. It is comprised of several distinct departments that collaborate on various research projects, dragon care, and scholarly activities. Key positions within the Sacred Nesting include:   Nesting Overseer: The highest authority, responsible for the overall operation of the Sacred Nesting, overseeing research projects, dragon care, and staff management.   Dragonomists: Scholars specializing in the study of dragon lore, behavior, and culture. They conduct research, maintain the vast library, and educate the next generation of dragon enthusiasts.   Dragon Healers: Expert caregivers trained to tend to the health and well-being of the resident dragons, ensuring they are in peak condition.   Egg Keepers: Responsible for maintaining the hatchery and studying the delicate process of dragon egg development. They play a critical role in the propagation of dragon species.   Artificers of Draconic Artifacts: These skilled artisans craft magical and utilitarian items based on the knowledge acquired from dragons, preserving their legacy.   Scribes and Record Keepers: Maintain meticulous records, documenting dragon behavior, breeding patterns, and significant discoveries.


The culture of the Sacred Nesting revolves around a deep reverence for dragons and the pursuit of knowledge about these magnificent creatures. Some aspects of the culture include:   Draconic Devotion: Members of the Sacred Nesting hold a profound respect for dragons, viewing them as wise and ancient beings. They approach their work with a sense of reverence and humility.   Scholarly Pursuits: The atmosphere within the Sacred Nesting is one of academic curiosity. Scholars tirelessly research dragon history, biology, and magic, sharing their findings to expand collective understanding.   Conservation: A strong commitment to preserving and protecting dragon species and their habitats is a fundamental aspect of the culture. Members strive to ensure the survival of dragons for future generations.   Secrecy and Caution: The history of the Sacred Nesting is marked by moments of secrecy and even controversy. While much has changed since its inception, there is still a degree of caution regarding some research and practices.   Legacy of Knowledge: The members of the Sacred Nesting view themselves as stewards of the knowledge passed down by dragons. They believe that this knowledge is a valuable inheritance to be safeguarded and expanded.   Intergenerational Exchange: Scholars often engage in mentorship, ensuring that the wisdom of older generations is transferred to younger ones. This preserves the continuity of dragon research.   Respect for Dragonborn: While the original intentions of creating Dragonborn through alchemical experiments were controversial, the modern culture promotes the understanding and respect of Cynndraki culture.   Open-mindedness: Although the focus is primarily on dragons and the Cynndraki, the culture encourages open-mindedness toward other aspects of the world, including other races and creatures.   The Sacred Nesting serves as both a place of scholarship and a haven for dragons, where past, present, and future intersect in a harmonious blend of respect, knowledge, and curiosity.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Sacred Nesting encompasses a range of noble and practical objectives that align with its mission to study, protect, and coexist with dragons in the world of Glosmordin. These objectives include:   Dragon Preservation: The foremost goal of the Sacred Nesting is to ensure the survival and thriving of dragon species in the face of threats like habitat loss and poaching. They actively work to protect dragon nests and preserve these ancient beings.   Dragon Research: A key part of their agenda involves in-depth research into dragon lore, behavior, and biology. Scholars and experts from the Nesting contribute to the greater understanding of these creatures, furthering the knowledge of Glosmordin's inhabitants.   Cyndraaki Empowerment: The Sacred Nesting acknowledges the existence of Cyndraaki (dragonborn) and the complex history surrounding their creation. They are committed to honoring Cyndraaki culture and supporting these unique individuals in finding their place in society.   Dissemination of Knowledge: Sharing their research findings and insights with other scholars, institutions, and the general public is a vital aspect of the Sacred Nesting's public agenda. They publish tomes, treatises, and educational materials that contribute to a broader awareness of dragons.   Dragon Conservation Programs: Actively involved in the establishment of protected dragon habitats, the Sacred Nesting contributes to the conservation of the natural world, preserving these creatures' homes and ecosystems.   Promotion of Peaceful Coexistence: They advocate for peaceful interactions between dragons and other sentient beings, including humans, elves, and dragonborn. The Nesting seeks to demystify dragons, emphasizing their essential role in the world's ecology.   Mentoring the Next Generation: An integral part of the agenda involves mentoring aspiring scholars, dragon healers, egg keepers, and other members of the younger generation. They aim to nurture future leaders and researchers who will carry the legacy forward.   Promotion of Ethical Practices: Given its past involvement in the creation of Cyndraaki through alchemical means, the Sacred Nesting is committed to ethical and moral standards in their research and actions, ensuring that no harmful experiments are repeated.   Community Engagement: Encouraging collaboration and involvement with local communities, the Sacred Nesting aims to bridge gaps and foster understanding between dragon enthusiasts and other populations.   Dragon Lore Preservation: Alongside living dragons, the Nesting preserves the rich lore of dragons passed down through the generations. They collect and maintain tomes, scrolls, and oral histories to ensure that this vital cultural knowledge is not lost.   In essence, the Sacred Nesting's public agenda strives to strike a balance between respect for dragons, the betterment of Cyndraaki society, ecological conservation, and the dissemination of knowledge, all while advocating for peaceful coexistence in the realm of Glosmordin.

"From Hatchling to Heritage"

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