The Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers

Homebase: Cynndraca Building: Palace of the Golden Wreath Houses: The Consortium of Blood Oaths Sorcerers, School of the Dragon Wizards, The Lyceum of Scilfor, The Sacred Nesting Organization: Temple of the Grasping Dragons No membership required but typically members of the church are most common   Description: The Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers is a unique order within the School of the Gilded Dragon, specializing in the training and development of sorcerers who possess natural casting abilities. They firmly believe that their magical talents are a result of their connection to dragon bloodlines, though this is not always the case. Sorcerers of the consortium feel a deep affinity with dragons, even if their ancestry isn't directly linked to these majestic creatures. Their bond with dragons is a source of pride and inspiration, fueling their magical prowess.   Beliefs:   Innate Dragon Magic: Consortium members have unwavering faith in the concept of innate dragon magic. They believe that their powers are a direct manifestation of their dragon bloodline, whether by heritage or divine favor.   Worship of Dragon Deities: Unlike some other orders within the School of the Gilded Dragon, the Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers is more open to the worship of not only Scilthax but also the other two dragon deities, Quaynot and Taehorr. They see the interconnectedness of all dragon gods and the diversity of draconic magic.   Secrecy and Knowledge: The sorcerers of the consortium value the secrecy of their magical practices. They understand the importance of holding their knowledge close, sharing it only with those deemed worthy. This approach is partly why their leader is a dedicated follower of Scilthax, as it helps maintain the school's authority over the group.   Training and Mentorship:   The consortium plays a crucial role in the School of the Gilded Dragon by serving as mentors to younger sorcerers. Since sorcerous abilities often manifest at a young age, the Consortium takes in apprentices who display natural casting talent. These apprentices are trained and guided to harness and control their magical gifts.   Specialty Sorcerers for Military: Within the Consortium, a specialized branch focuses on training sorcerers for military service. These sorcerers are taught to wield their unique abilities in combat scenarios, working alongside the school's Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver. Their skills are honed to serve as battle mages, combining sorcery and martial expertise.   Warlocks and Secret Pacts: A secretive group of Warlocks operates within the Consortium. These individuals have forged pacts with powerful dragons, granting them unique powers and knowledge. These pacts are highly confidential and are believed to be responsible for the creation of natural dragon blood sorcerers. Sorcerers with these origins can trace their magical lineage back to a dragon or other powerful entity, and some may even be the first of new bloodlines, signifying exceptional circumstances or pacts.   The Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers embodies the belief that magic flows through their very blood, connecting them to the legacy of dragons and the mystical power that comes with it. They are mentors, protectors, and guardians of the unique gifts that come from their innate connection to dragons, ensuring that the legacy of dragon magic endures in their students and proteges.


The Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers is characterized by a hierarchical structure that nurtures the growth and development of sorcerers with innate magical abilities. The structure combines mentorship, specialization, and secrecy to ensure that sorcerers are well-prepared for their unique roles.   Leader: At the helm of the consortium is the Grand Arcanist of Dragon Magic, a highly respected sorcerer with extensive experience in harnessing dragon-based sorcery. The Grand Arcanist is responsible for overseeing the order's activities, making strategic decisions, and safeguarding the knowledge they possess.   Mentors: Experienced sorcerers who have mastered their innate magic and have a deep understanding of their dragon bloodline serve as mentors to the younger apprentices. These mentors provide guidance, share their knowledge, and help sorcerers in training develop their abilities.   Apprentices: The heart of the consortium consists of young and aspiring sorcerers who have shown a natural aptitude for sorcery. They are admitted into the consortium to undergo training and mentorship by more experienced members.   Warlocks: A highly secretive subgroup within the consortium, Warlocks have made pacts with powerful dragons. Each Warlock is a guardian of their own unique pact, and they often work in the shadows, protecting their knowledge and powers.


The culture of the Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers is marked by reverence for their dragon bloodline and the magical abilities it bestows. This unique group's culture is defined by several key elements: Draconic Devotion: Members of the consortium hold a deep reverence for dragons and believe their innate magical abilities are directly tied to their connection to these legendary creatures. They see dragons as symbols of power, wisdom, and mysticism.   Secrecy and Trust: The culture places a strong emphasis on secrecy. Sorcerers within the consortium believe that their knowledge is not to be shared with just anyone. Trust is a core value, and members understand the importance of guarding their unique magical insights.   Cross-Dragon Worship: Unlike other orders within the School of the Gilded Dragon, the consortium is open to the worship of multiple dragon deities, not solely Scilthax. They see the interconnectedness of all dragon gods and acknowledge the diverse influences of different dragons.   Legacy Preservation: Members are committed to preserving their unique magical heritage. They view themselves as guardians of the ancient knowledge and arcane traditions passed down through their bloodlines.   Mentorship and Apprenticeship: The consortium fosters a culture of mentorship and apprenticeship, where experienced sorcerers guide and teach the younger generation. This approach ensures that the legacy of dragon magic endures in the next generation.   Secrecy of Pacts: Warlocks within the consortium adhere to a culture of utmost secrecy regarding their pacts with dragons. They believe that the knowledge and power they gain through these pacts are sacred and should be closely guarded.   The culture of the Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers is a balance of tradition, secrecy, and the celebration of their innate magical abilities. They see themselves as torchbearers of a unique magical legacy that connects them to the wondrous world of dragons, and they are dedicated to preserving and harnessing their dragon-based sorcery for the greater good.

Public Agenda

The Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers upholds a set of tenets that guide the conduct and beliefs of its members. These tenets reflect the core principles of the consortium's philosophy and its reverence for dragon magic: Embrace Your Draconic Heritage: Members of the consortium acknowledge and celebrate their unique dragon bloodline. They believe that their innate magical abilities are a source of strength and a connection to dragons.   Protect the Secrets of Dragon Magic: The consortium places great importance on safeguarding the ancient secrets of dragon magic. Members are sworn to protect the knowledge, lore, and traditions of their order, ensuring that it does not fall into the wrong hands.   Study, Experiment, and Innovate: The pursuit of knowledge is a fundamental aspect of the consortium's philosophy. Members are encouraged to study, experiment, and innovate in the field of dragon-based sorcery. They seek to uncover new insights and unlock the full potential of their magic.   Honor Your Draconic Benefactors: Warlocks who have made pacts with dragons must honor their draconic benefactors. They are expected to uphold the terms of their pacts, respect the dragons' wisdom, and serve their interests faithfully.   Maintain Secrecy and Discretion: The consortium places a strong emphasis on secrecy and discretion. Members are required to be discerning about whom they share their knowledge with, ensuring that the mysteries of dragon magic remain protected.   Foster Unity and Collaboration: Members of the consortium work together as a cohesive community. They collaborate, share insights, and support each other in their quest to master their magical abilities. Unity among sorcerers is considered a powerful force.   Respect and Learn from Other Deities: While their primary allegiance is to Scilthax, the consortium encourages respect and an open-minded approach to the other dragon deities, Quaynot and Taehorr. They believe that learning from the diverse aspects of dragon worship can enrich their magical practice.   Train the Next Generation: Sorcerers within the consortium play a pivotal role in training and mentoring the next generation of apprentices. Passing on their knowledge and traditions is seen as a sacred duty.   Strive for Mastery and Enlightenment: Members are encouraged to continuously strive for mastery over their dragon-based magic and seek enlightenment. They believe that the path of a sorcerer is one of self-discovery and growth.   Defend Against the Corrupting Influence of Dragons: While they venerate dragons, members of the consortium also recognize the potential for corruption in their power. They are committed to using their magic responsibly and preventing any misuse of draconic abilities.   These tenets serve as the moral compass for the consortium, guiding its members in their journey to become skilled sorcerers, protectors of ancient knowledge, and stewards of dragon magic.


Curriculum: The curriculum of the Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers is designed to help apprentices harness and expand their innate magical abilities. It covers various aspects of sorcery, with a strong focus on dragon magic:   Draconic Heritage: Apprentices are taught about their dragon bloodline and the significance of their heritage. They learn the history and lore of dragons, including the different dragon deities.   Control and Focus: Sorcerers-to-be receive training in controlling and focusing their innate magic. They learn to draw power from their bloodline and cast spells that are unique to their draconic heritage.   Magic of the Dragons: The curriculum delves into the unique spells and abilities related to dragon magic. Apprentices study how different types of dragons influence their magical capabilities.   Draconic Pacts (for Warlocks): Warlocks undergo specialized training to further their understanding of the pacts they've made with powerful dragons. This includes deepening their connection to their draconic benefactors and learning the secrets of their pacts.   Secrecy and Trust: A significant part of the curriculum emphasizes the importance of secrecy and trust within the consortium. Apprentices are taught how to protect their knowledge and maintain the traditions of the order.   Practical Application: Students engage in practical spellcasting, magical experimentation, and the creation of unique dragon-based spells. They also practice meditation to strengthen their connection to dragons.   The curriculum is both rigorous and flexible, allowing apprentices to tailor their studies to their unique abilities and interests. It is through this education that they become skilled sorcerers, ready to harness their innate magic and uphold the traditions of the Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers.


Facilities: The Consortium of Dragon Oath Sorcerers conducts its activities within the sprawling Palace of the Golden Wreath, home to the School of the Gilded Dragon. Within this prestigious institution, the consortium has its own dedicated enclave known as the Draconic Hall.   Draconic Hall: This dedicated space within the Palace of the Golden Wreath serves as the epicenter of the consortium's activities. It is a place of study, practice, and reflection, adorned with ornate dragon-themed décor, including tapestries, sculptures, and dragon motifs. The Draconic Hall is divided into several specialized chambers, each catering to different aspects of sorcerous training, and serves as the hub for all consortium members.   Dragon's Aerie: A secluded chamber within Draconic Hall, the Dragon's Aerie is where Warlocks gather to engage in secret rituals, meditate on their pacts with powerful dragons, and conduct confidential experiments involving draconic magic.   Sorcerer's Library: A vast collection of arcane tomes, scrolls, and manuscripts related to dragon-based sorcery is available to consortium members. This library is a treasure trove of knowledge, curated over centuries, and guarded by enchantments to protect its secrets.   Draconic Observatory: Positioned atop the Palace of the Golden Wreath, the observatory provides sorcerers with a panoramic view of the sky. It's used for stargazing, dragon constellation studies, and celestial spellcasting.

"Unleash the Draconic Within"

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