Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver

God /Goddess: Dragon God Scilfor Background: Military wing as well. Dogma: Priesthood of Good. Day-to-day Activities: Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: Major Centers of Worship: Affiliated Orders: Priestly Vestments: Specialty Priests   The Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver, often referred to as the "Platinum Paragons," are the devoted paladins who serve as the martial arm of the Order of Scilthax. Their dedication to justice, protection, and the teachings of Scilthax is unwavering, and they embody the chivalrous spirit of their faith.


Chivalry and Honor: The culture of the Platinum Paragons is steeped in chivalry and honor. Members of the order are expected to conduct themselves with noble dignity, unwavering integrity, and a commitment to uphold the highest moral standards. Compassion and Service: Compassion is at the heart of the order's culture. Paragons are encouraged to show empathy and kindness, both on and off the battlefield. They are committed to serving those in need, even in the face of danger.   Unity and Brotherhood: Unity and brotherhood are prized among the Paragons. Members share a deep camaraderie, forming bonds that are unbreakable and enduring. This sense of unity enhances their effectiveness on missions and creates a supportive community.   Dedication to Learning: The culture of the order places great emphasis on continuous learning and self-improvement. Paragons strive for excellence in their martial skills, knowledge, and understanding of the world.

Public Agenda

Protection of the Innocent: The public agenda of the Platinum Paragons is centered around the protection of the innocent and the vulnerable. They actively involve themselves in safeguarding towns, villages, and the kingdom from external threats. Conflict Resolution: Paragons often serve as mediators in disputes and conflicts, using their diplomatic skills to find peaceful resolutions. Their public agenda includes working to prevent conflicts from escalating and fostering understanding among different factions.   Healing and Aid: A significant part of their public agenda involves providing healing and aid to those affected by disasters, violence, or illness. They establish clinics, hospitals, and relief efforts to alleviate suffering.   Moral Education: The Paragons take it upon themselves to educate the populace about the values of justice, compassion, and honor. They conduct workshops, seminars, and educational programs to instill these virtues in the community.   Guardians of Sacred Sites: The Paragons act as guardians of sacred sites, including temples and places of spiritual importance. They ensure these sites are protected from harm and open for worship and reflection.   The Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver play a vital role in the kingdom's social fabric, embodying chivalric virtues and working to ensure the well-being of all citizens. They are not only protectors but also ambassadors of goodwill, dedicating themselves to making the realm a more just and compassionate place.

Tenets of Faith

Unwavering Justice: The path of justice is our guiding light. We vow to uphold fairness, truth, and the principles of righteousness in all our actions.   Protect the Innocent: We stand as vigilant guardians, shielding the innocent from harm. The safety and well-being of the defenseless are our paramount concern.   Benevolent Healing: We embrace the power of healing with compassion. It is our duty to mend wounds, both physical and spiritual, and offer solace to those in need.   Chivalrous Code: The chivalrous code of honor governs our conduct. We pledge to be courageous, compassionate, and noble in our dealings, setting an example for others to follow.   Oath of Valor: We are bound by our sacred oaths, committing to uphold the cause of goodness, justice, and protection, even at the cost of our own safety.   Discipline and Dedication: Through unwavering discipline and unyielding dedication, we hone our skills, knowledge, and moral character, striving to be the best protectors we can be.   Companionship and Unity: We recognize the strength in unity. We forge unbreakable bonds of friendship, mutual respect, and support among our fellow Paragons.   Sacrifice for the Greater Good: In service to the greater good, we are prepared to make sacrifices, whether it be personal comfort or even our own lives.   Faith in the Platinum Dragon: Our unwavering faith in Scilthax, the Platinum Dragon, is the wellspring of our strength. We believe in the divine guidance and protection of our deity.   Quest for Perfection: We are committed to a lifelong quest for personal and collective perfection in the pursuit of justice, protection, and the ideals of chivalry.   These tenets serve as the moral compass for the Heralds of Healing and the broader Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver, guiding their actions and fostering a sense of honor and righteousness in their service.


  • The Platinum Paragons begin each day with a solemn oath, reaffirming their dedication to justice and protection. They seek Scilthax's blessings to guide their actions.
  • They engage in rigorous physical training and combat drills to maintain their martial skills and readiness to protect the innocent.
  • Regular devotional practices include prayer and meditation, where they reflect on their commitment to the Platinum Dragon's teachings.
  • The paragons conduct missions, investigations, and interventions to ensure justice is served and that the innocent are safeguarded.
  • The code of chivalry, encompassing values such as courage, compassion, honor, and protection, guides their daily interactions and decision-making.
Important Ceremonies:  
  • Knighting Ceremony: Aspiring squires who have completed their training and demonstrated their commitment to the faith are knighted during a grand ceremony. They take their oath as full-fledged Platinum Paragons.
  • Vigil of Protection: A solemn vigil held to honor the fallen paragons who have given their lives in the line of duty. It is a time for reflection and a recommitment to the cause of protection.
  • Blessing of the Blades: Before embarking on significant missions, the paragons gather to receive blessings for success, protection, and just endeavors.
  Places of Worship:  
  • Hall of Valiant Oaths: This sacred hall is where the Platinum Paragons take their oaths and renew their commitment to justice and protection. It is adorned with platinum and silver dragon imagery.
  • The Palace of the Golden Wreath: While the primary administrative center for the Order of Scilthax, the palace complex also houses the leadership of the Platinum Paragons, providing a place for training, strategy, and governance.
  • The Fortress of the Giving Dragon: This fortress serves as a training ground for martial exercises, allowing the paragons to hone their combat skills and maintain their readiness.
  The Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver are exemplars of chivalry, justice, and protection. Their commitment to these principles is unwavering, and their devotion to the Platinum Dragon, Scilthax, drives them to serve as the kingdom's noble protectors. Through their rigorous training, steadfast oaths, and courageous actions, they ensure that justice prevails and the innocent are shielded from harm.


Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver - Organization and Positions: The Platinum Paragons of the Gilded Giver are a martial order deeply rooted in their dedication to justice, protection, and the teachings of Scilthax. The organization is structured to reflect the chivalrous spirit of their faith and their commitment to safeguarding the kingdom of Cynndraca. Here is an overview of their organization and key positions:   Grand Commander of the Paragons:   The Grand Commander is the highest-ranking officer of the Platinum Paragons, responsible for overseeing the entire order. They provide strategic direction, maintain discipline, and ensure that the code of chivalry is upheld throughout the order.   Captains:   Captains are experienced and skilled leaders who command units of paragons during missions and campaigns. They are responsible for tactical planning, decision-making on the battlefield, and the overall coordination of their squads.   Paladins:   Paladins form the backbone of the Platinum Paragons. They are warriors who have taken the oath to serve the cause of justice, protection, and goodness. Paladins undergo rigorous training, and their roles can vary from combat specialists to those specializing in diplomacy, healing, or specialized combat tactics.   Squires:   Squires are aspirants who are in training to become full-fledged paladins. Under the guidance of experienced paragons, they learn the ways of chivalry, swordsmanship, and the principles of their faith.   Veterans and Elders:   Veterans and Elders are esteemed members of the order who have demonstrated their unwavering commitment to justice and protection. They provide mentorship and guidance to the younger generation, shaping the moral character of the order.   Heralds of Healing:   Heralds of Healing are dedicated members of the order with exceptional healing abilities. They provide vital medical support during missions, tend to the wounded, and ensure that paragons receive immediate care when injured.   Chaplains:   Chaplains are dedicated spiritual leaders within the order who oversee the religious and moral well-being of the paragons. They conduct religious ceremonies, provide counsel, and ensure that the spiritual needs of the members are met.

"Our Blades Shield, Our Hearts Heal."

Religious, Holy Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Head of State
Related Ethnicities


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