Campaign 2: Session 16 - Broken Toys

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 30XP
  • Killing Blow: 120XP
  • Enemies: 1288XP
  • Damage: 203XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Total: 1871XP
Anpu Winkybits
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 60XP
  • Killing Blow: 30XP
  • Enemies: 713XP
  • Damage: 35XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • MVP: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 50XP
  • Total: 1218XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 30XP
  • Enemies: 788XP
  • Damage: 74XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Total: 1122XP
The Wretch
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Activities: 30XP
  • Enemies: 713XP
  • Damage: 20XP
  • Peril: 100XP
  • Research: 30XP
  • Total: 993 XP

Missions/Quests Completed

9th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   The party make their way into the depths of the tower and quickly find it consumed by darkness, its windows boarded and sealed off. They move down the spiral stairs and reach the hallway where they turn left and enter a large bedroom. Within the room they find a body asleep in the bed cuddling a strange looking teddy bear. The group take time to explore the room and investigate the body, only to find it dead and to discover that it is not a sleeping figure at all, but a grim corpse warped into the form of a long and adult puppet.   The Wretch suddenly lurches to one side and draws his sword as he sees a long shadow on the wall, but when the group are startled and prepare for action, he concedes that it must have just been a trick of the darkness. The group ask him what he saw and he points out that it was a large shadow.   They notice in their moment of concern that the teddy bear cradled by the puppet seems to have disappeared. Tedduch goes over to look for it and finds that the teddy has fallen beneath the bed far from where it might naturally have dropped.   Zi attempts to sever the puppet's strings, to neutralise its potential danger, but at that moment it lashes out at their arm and attacks. The group are taken unawares and turn hurriedly to respond and Zi's arms are encased by coiling tendrils of muscly string meshed with jagged shards of bone. As the puppet attacks, the group hear a harrowing and childish laughter unnatural to the face of the body. The strings tear at Zi's flesh until they are able to break free. Tedduch jumps up and launches projectiles into the monster's arms, severing its strings.   As the puppet is dispatched, Anpu notices a squelching teddy bear running across the room towards the door. The group pursue the teddy bear and attempt to stop it, attacking it with blades, projectiles and magic. Upon hitting the creature with their blade, they see that the stuffing of the teddy bear is not wool but lumps of meat that secrete and bleed through their wounds.   The group pursue the creature, blasting out its stuffing which it quickly stuffs back inside its torso as it continues to attempt its escape. It flees down the spiral staircase, but is brutalised to the point that it can only crawl down the stairs with what little meat remains trailing after it to restore the body. Tedduch eventually finishes the creature before they continue downstairs.   The group move to enter into another room downstairs, and realise that the door is trapped. They are able to time their entrance to the room in such a way to disarm the room's trap and prevent a trap using a severed arm gripping an axe to swing down at anyone entering the room.   Once they enter the room, they realie it to be an armoury and Tedduch is able to find himself a honed axe. They see an attack dummy wearing armour a suit of armour for training, and with a flayed face stapled over the straw.   As they move deeper into the room, the attack dummy speaks with the voice of a gleefull and childish boy. He chastises them for destroying his toys but expresses excitement to have them their, claiming he has never had a toy with wings before.   Tedduch takes the moment to throw projectiles at the attack dummy, embedding them with magic which ignites the dummy's straw. They watch as the dummy vomits up burning straw before continuing to laugh at them until Teddy is able to destroy it.   As the group continue through the next door, Anpu and The Wretch fall into a trap and fall down a trap door into a pit of spikes. Seeing this, Zi and Tedduch move around the trap door to where they find themselves confronted by the same puppet Zi had seen the day before, with Human hands attached to a wooden dummy.   Down below, The Wretch and Anpu are confronted by the twisted porcelain woman who breaks apart to reveal layers of twisted, seutered flesh and gore. As they fight the monster, Zi and Tedduch make short work of the puppet and climb down into the depths of the tower below.   The group struggle in their fight but manage to just barely overcome the monstrosity. When finally victory is assured, a child emerges whining that the group broke his toy. He falls down in the mound of the girl's bloody carcass and he talks about making toys out of them instead. It is at this point that Anpu recognises the boy and realises him to be Ywan Mulkwast.
Report Date
25 Dec 2023
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