Campaign 2: Session 20 - Mr. Beast

Rewards Granted

Orville Wepple
  • MVP: 250XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Total: 450XP
  Tedduch Stoutman/Russell Tideborn
  • Bonus XP: 250XP
  • Encounter: 750XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skill Check: 270XP
  • Total: 1370XP
The Wretch
  • Encounter: 500XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Total: 600XP
  • Encounter: 250XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Total: 350XP

Missions/Quests Completed

10th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Departing the Dystrykt Waldawa, the Wretch would descend into the water and would proceed to walk down at the base of the river-bed. Tedduch Stoutman meanwhile would follow his path swimming close to his side.   With tentative and cautious movements, the two would venture beneath the circular trails of the gunboats and the patrolling Chort moving overheard, watching the beast gobble up multiple fish before returning to its vessel.   Zi meanwhile would fly overhead with Awenir, only to be fired upon by the gun boat and having bolts graze her leg and shoulder. The two would take flight across the city, much to Awenir's distress.   Whilst they would fly overhead, they would see heavily armoured soldiers with great cannons mounted in their hands sealing great barricades across a square of the city. Commotion would be spreading across the district with fires and riots beginning to spread.   Teddy would emerge from the depths of the water drawing a copper piece he found in the depths as a pretext for his jaunt in the canal. The Wretch would soon follow him, clambering from the water and drawing the attention of the gun-boats.   One would land and be helped to dock by Tedduch. He would attempt as best as he can to defuse the situation by claiming to be a fisherman enjoying a holiday whilst travelling with Captain Iwo. The guards are uncertain what is best to do with them, but the discussion draws the attention of the second gunboat that had previously been shooting at Zi.   Awenir and Zi would land in a square of the city where Zi would instruct Awenir to go and help Tedduch and the Wretch, forgetting that Awenir's size has still been shrunken down.   Awenir arrives asking what is going on and for a second he is mistaken for a child as he retracts to human height. The guards are stunned and confused and consider taking the group as prisoners to Captain Iwo.   Negotiations are settled when the Chort leaps from the water and attempts to make a meal of the Wretch. The Wretch is able to duck and weave around the strikes of the monster's claws and teeth and evades capture as all around the party are tackled and shackled by guards before being dragged into the gunboats. Only Teddy agrees to go peacefully, allowing himself to be restrained and settled into a cell. Awenir attempted to fight back and used his freehand to bombard the Chort with magic.   The Wretch avoided peril as best as he might and used his terrifying visage to subdue the Chort and send it into retreat. In the confusion of the moment however the guards would move to subdue the Wretch, though they would come to accord and he would agree to go quietly without the need to be manacled.   Zi meanwhile would grow impatient in their wait and would take flight, intent to go to the Mission of the Eigth Acolyte in search of Audrey Wepple. As they climb higher into the sky, they notice the Wretch being escorted into one of the gunboats, she also notices the square being closed off by the plague troopers and realises that it was the very square where they had dropped off the survivors of Ywan's Tower.   They would take some time to find their way across the city, but would eventually reach the Waldabrakt Mission of the Eighth Acolyte. Within they would not find Audrey Wepple or her son Orville Wepple but instead an elderly Healer hobbles through a room of injured guards and inflicted civilians.   Zi would go to speak with the woman, and would seek information on her friends, but she would find the woman distracted by someone behind them. Zi would turn and there would see the confused face of Russell Tideborn who would ask her to look after "Mr. Beast" and would then collapse.   4th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The narrative then flashes back to when Russell would listen to the voice of Orville Wepple in his mind, much to the confusion of his husbands Mr. Beast Sves-Gregory 17th of Eyezaldzfdwhorphf who were both sitting together in the room when he arrived.   Eventually the two would come to an accord, and Russell Tideborn would consent to the murder of the bartender Harald if in exchange Orville swears a vow to murder Russell's greatest enemy Sister Prudence.   With a bargain struck, Russell would make his way back to the bar in the company of his wife and husband and would use his magic to blast a hole in the chest cavity of Harald, creating a wound with such intense power that it would couterise the wound as it cascades through his body.   The room would descend into chaos as people run to free themselves (save for two Dwarves who impatiently refuse to abandon their drinks). The guards would be called and would rush to the carriage only to find a strange rampaging spirit dancing around the carriage and throwing tankards of alcohol at unsuspecting passengers that would dare to enter the bar carousel.   Russell Tideborn and his cult meanwhile would have already jumped free of the train, and would continue their journey in pursuit of Orville Wepple on foot.   6th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Upon arriving in the town of Kirikrest, Russell Tideborn would take great interest in the work of the Wyvern Divers as they dance through the sky and compete aggressively to see who might reach the ground first.   Russell would find some amusement in using his magic to tear open a gap in the magical protections of Kirikrest, a decision which would ensure that the winning Wyvern Diver would fly straight through the magical boundary to be dashed against the cobblestone street of Kirikrest. The manager Cathal would be horrified, and would be blamed for the death by the Konstat who would arrest him.   7th Spriarjeń 269 5E   The next day, Russell would depart from Kirikrest to follow the Rewa Garundas towards Waldabrakt via the Bognoza Wodnika. Rather than purchase sufficient boats for him and all his followers, or making use of his aquatic abilities, Russell instead set up a system wherein his followers were tied together and swam within the river, pulling his own boat like a chariot with himself and Mr. Beast inside.   The consequences of this excursion would be devastating and as the rain would set in and the river would grow more rapid, Russell would lose two of his wives and one of his husbands when their part of the rope would be torn away and they would be swept up by the river.   8th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Shortly thereafter, jealous of the attention Russell was given to his first follower Mr. Beast, Sves-Gregory 17th of Eyezaldzfdwhorphf would combine his strength with that of three of Russell's bridges and would endeavour to murder the man that was once his own lover Mr. Beast, in order to climb in his leader's affections. This would be thwarted however as Russell would be found in the company of Mr. Beast and would use his magic to subdue the three, before ordering that his remaining followers drown the attackers in the river.   9th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Rewarding the surviving loyalists of his cult, Russell takes his followers to acquire more boats to continue into the Bognoza Wodnika. The journey is far quieter than that of the main party, though along their way they would spot the naked and hideously wounded form of the dead Tagaran Neya, the Thirteenth Paragon, who walks vacantly to the north.   10th Spriarjeń 269 5E   Finally, moving through the Bognoza Wodnika, the group would dock in the city of Waldabrakt and would begin an intense investigation into the whereabouts of Orville Wepple and Audrey Wepple. Eventually he would find leads on the location of the two from the elderly bar owner Waldek. Confused by Orville's feelings towards bartenders, Russell opts to try and murder the old man, only for the old man to dodge and escape, summoning the guards in his process.   Russell Tideborn would finally make his way to the Waldabrakt Mission of the Eighth Acolyte and would there walk through the doors (after a passionate kiss with Mr. Beast) and would there find Zi. Orville would recognise the Garuda and as the two would look at each other, he would make one last please to protect Mr. Beast before he would fall back and pass out.   As Russell would pass out, Orville would wake up to find himself in a dark cell lit only by a single candle, and in the dim flicker of the flame he would find his mother Audrey Wepple with one eye swollen shut and resting against the wall of the cell.