Audrey Wepple

Audrey Wepple- Mavel

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

30th Kararjeń 201 5E   Audrey Mavel is born in Valorshire in the city of Blueharbour. She grows up with a family of clothiers and spent her childhood working alongside her parents in their shop.   Her life was productive and she learned many simple domestic skills such as cooking, cleaning, mercantilism and weaving. Ultimately however, Audrey found herself feeling unfulfilled and desperate to find more excitement in her life.   She would find this excitement prior to her coming of age at the age of thirty-three. At the dockyards of Blueharbour, Audrey would meet Avery Wepple, a roguish aventurer prone to exotic travels across Vilia. Drawn by his swagger and charm and promises of advneture and purpose, Audrey sets out to see the world with him.   The two would travel together for a year, and would get married along the way, but when Audrey would fall pregnant, the two would return to Valorshire.   23rd Wintarjeń 234 5E   Orville Wepple is born in Blueharbour. The Wepple Family would remain in Blueharbour for a few years for the formative years of Orville's childhood, though Avery would frequently disappear on his many adventures and would take little responsibility for his son's welfare.   Orville grows up with his father's adventurous spirit, and much of his mother's intelligence and practical skills. However, he suffers a brain injury which ensures that he can only speak in monosyllabic words, ensuring that he would need even greater support and care from his parents, and given his father's frequent absence, this care would come predominantly from his mother.   Eventually, in order to help rift the growing divide in their marriage, and to fuel Audrey and Orville's own desire for adventure, they would set out to adventure all across Vilia alongside Avery Wepple.    As the three would traverse the globe, the strain in Audrey and Avery's marriage would only build and build, their issues would culminate whilst when traversing the Rewa Ojo they would pass through the city of Yaszaw.   Audrey and Avery would argue loudly, and Audrey would kick him out of their room, and by the time Audrey would wake up the next day, Avery would have already left her and their son behind.   Finding as good a home as any in Yaszaw, Audrey and Orville would remain in the city as Orville grows into a man. As an adult, Orville would alternate between multiple possible career path, studying to become an engineer, running a failed mayoral campaign, and then devolving into a self-described "Master Thief".   Audrey meanwhile would devote her life to building up a community in Yaszaw and keeping him chaotic son out of trouble.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Over time Orville grows impatient with his life in Yaszaw and dreams of travel and adventure. He eventually decides to depart the city of Yaszaw and travel on the Mamnomaga to witness The Designation of the Heir in Istanbrakt.   Audrey Wepple hears from the proprieter of the Hostel Harmonia that Orville broke in and attempted to rob a group of Dwarves. Audrey finds her son and scolds him for his actions. She says a goodbye to him and asks him to take care of himself and worries over him. He suggests that his mother accompany him on his adventure, and though she is uncertain at first, she eventually agrees to join him.   She arrives at the last second to board the Mamnomaga, and arrives in such a hurry that noone bothers to search her. She finds her son and meets a few of his fellow passengers. She builds an especially positive connection with the Garuda Zi, whom she prepares a sandwich for and gifts her a pouch of berry knots.