Orville Wepple

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

23rd Wintarjeń 234 5E   Orville Wepple is born in Valorshire. At some point during his childhood, he and his mother relocated to the city of Yaszaw in Upper Mastoria.   Orville competed to become Mayor of Yaszaw, however he failed to win the nomination.    1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Having seen a group of Dwarven archeologists entering Yaszaw the day before, Orville sneaks into their room in the Hostel Harmonia and attempts to steal their treasures. As he is making his escape, Thalmun Burrowale wakes up from a nightmare screaming and rouses the Dwarves.   The Gnome tries to persuade them that it is all simply a misunderstanding, however Thalmun grabs him and pulls him into the room. He takes Orville's satchel and returns what he stole to the chest. Orville attempts to slip a disc from the satchel, but Thalmun notices. Rather than throw him from the window as his colleague Balder suggests, the Dwarf takes Orville out in search of a bar.   When the two find a bar, they speak and Orville struggles to explain his name, repeatedly telling him that it is "Or, and then Ville". After negotiation, Thalmun Burrowale agrees to make Orville a pair of chattering fake teeth in exchange for his returning the disc.   They return to the Hostel Harmonia and there Thalmun develops a set of iron chattering teeth. The two make their exchange, and Orville attempts a sleight of hand, showing him the disc but handing him a rock. This ploy is exposed however when Thalmun asks Balder to take the artefact back to the chest, only to discover he has been given a rock.