Morka Mulkwast


A wide mountain to the north-west of Arkeluw with a fresh-water stream that runs down its side and joins with the Rewa Ojo.


The mountain tended to grow colder the higher one climbed up its surface, with their typically being a small fall of snow towards the summit. In the winter, it is common that Mulkwast Manor would be completely encased in snow.

Fauna & Flora

The Morka Mulkwast was once home to the mountain estate of the Mulkwast family, known as Mulkwast Manor, however the mansion was destroyed in the year 269 of the Fifth Era when the family of Vampires that inhabited it were driven out by a group of adventurers.   With the departure of the Vampires, the mountain has become host to a nest of Wyvern, which swoop down from their mountain nest to hunt by nightfall. The mountain is also host to common wildlife native to the region such as elk, wolves, wildcats and mice.

Natural Resources

In terms of its flora, the Morka Mulkwast was known to have a dense ash tree grove that grew not too far from the ruins of Mulkwast Manor.


Some generations prior to the Year 269 of the Fifth Era, the Mulkwast family built their mountain estate on the slopes of Morka Mulkwast.   Over time they concluded construction of a large mansion called Mulkwast Manor, and constructed roads down the mountainside and a trail that lead them to the Amberic Corridor.       207 5E   Dymitri Mulkwast would return to his family's mountain estate alongside his brother, the Vampire Wlad Mulkwast. Here he would work to deradicalise his brother and wipe away the years of brainwashing caused by the Elves.   In order to feed his brother's insatiable hunger, Dymitri Mulkwast would arrange a regular stock of criminals scheduled for execution to be transported to the mansion from the Deep, a prison in the city of Arkeluw.   Over the years that would follow, Wlad's Vampiric influence would cause the estate to decay into rot and ruin, a process only further exaserbated when he would pass on his powers to his daughter Walerija, as well as his brother Dymitri, his beloved Maria, and his children Wiktor, Ywan and Olena.   They would develop a magical ward to protect their mountain estate from outsiders and from wildlife keen to purge the mountain of this harmful influence. They would begin to hunt many of the elk, wolves and other wildlife that call the mountain home and drive them to migrate elsewhere.   Eventually with the arrival of the Werewolf Gottfried Goss, many of the wolves would return to the Morka Mulkwast, along with copious vermin such as rats and cockroaches.   Around this time, a nest of Wyvern would begin to settle in a cave just above the Mulkwast estate and would present an opportunity for the enigmatic Wlad Mulkwast.   Wlad Mulkwast would begin to use the Wyvern as bait to lure in unsuspecting mercenaries in search of an assignment. He would offer them payment to clear out the nest, and accommodation at Mulkwast Manor before they would do so, then when they would arrive he would have them hunted across the Mulkwast estate and subject them to all sorts of gruesome trials to discern which among them would be worthy to join the Mulkwast Coven.   1st SkrabarjeÅ„ 269 5E   In an effort to ensure her survival and the survival of her children Ywan and Olena Mulkwast, Maria Mulkwast would conspire with Anpu Winkybits, Fulgur Percutien and Cowabunga Peppermill, devising a scheme to disable Mulkwast Manor's magical defences.   This plan would succeed, and having been hunted and corrupted by the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle for so long, the Wyvern would swarm the estate in search of vengeance. Paired with a fire broken out by mercenaries trapped within the mansion, by the break of day, Mulkwast Manor would collapse into the ground and be utterly destroyed.   In the days that would follow, those few thralls who still remained bound to Wlad Mulkwast would walk down the mountain path and would arrive at the gates of Arkeluw there to be interred in the Radana Storme Institute. Those members of the Mulkwast Coven that still lingered at Mulkwast Manor would likewise vacate the ruins as well.   Wildlife quickly began to return to the Morka Mulkwast, and the corruption instilled by the heavy Vampiric presence would gradually begin to fade.
Alternative Name(s)
Mount Mulkwast, Mulkwast Mountain
Mountain / Hill
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization