Mulkwast Manor

Purpose / Function

The established family estate of the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle.


The Estate   Surrounding the mansion are four structures;   Gottfried Goss's Woodland Cabin: Home to the Half-Giant Werewolf, this warm and homely abode reeks of primal hunts. Pelts adorn the walls, and the air is thick with the scent of fresh meat.   The Gravedigger's Stone Dwelling: A mysterious entity inhabits this larger stone building, where savage wolves from the kennels are unleashed by night.   The Mulkwast Family Catacombs: A stone mausoleum guarded by faces etched in commemoration of the deceased. Behind the wall of faces, the catacombs house the silent resting places of the Mulkwast ancestors.   Overrun Storage Building: Infested by Giant Spiders, the storage building lies in disarray, its crates and barrels overtaken by the invasive arachnids.   In addition to these structures, a winch system on the estate climbs up higher into the mountains, designed to aid the Mulkwast family in hauling stone from the nearby quarry when the family previously engaged in the mining trade.   Ground Floor   The Parlour: The elegant parlour for guests opens through a heavy-set wrought oak door encased in a frame of iron, revealing a room adorned with antique furniture.   The Library: A two-floor hall with an elevated walkway, the library harbors ancient tomes delving into centuries of history.   The Ballroom: An opulent ballroom that was in recent years overrun by sentient plants that intertwine with the remains of opulent chandeliers and move to the will of Walerija Mulkwast.   The Chapel: A chapel, now inaccessible to the vampiric Mulkwast family by virtue of their corruption. In recent years it became a sole refuge for survivors of the family's onslaught.   The Armoury: Pristine weapons and historic armor line the walls of the armory, silent witnesses to battles long past that trace vague enchantments that allow them to animate and prey upon unsuspecting tresspassers.   The Greenhouse: A once vibrant greenhouse now houses withered flora, twisted and contorted. The air is suffused with a sickly sweet aroma.   The Guest House: A winding hallway featuring eight quaint and well provisioned guest suites.   First Floor   Walerija's Bedroom: Walerija's room is overtaken by sentient plants that ensnare any unfortunate soul who enters. Thorny tendrils writhe around the space. The room also connects to an adjacent secret room accessed by a secret passageway hidden behind a painting.   The Shared Room of the Mulkwast Twins: Ywan and Olena's rooms are filled with the presence of sentient toys crafted from the pieces of their victims. The innocent playthings now harbor a malevolent spirit, silently waiting for their next unsuspecting prey.   Dymitri's Observatory: Dymitri's room is the largest bedroom of the mansion, a large study that boasts an observatory. A haunting beauty pervades the room, as astral entities cast ghostly shadows on the walls.   The Room of Mirrors: A secret room hidden behind two portraits that connects the two hallways within the mansion. The room is full of mirrors that only reflect the appearance of Vampires.   Wiktor's Bedroom: A bloody room where Wiktor keeps and tortures his captured victims. A room full of harsh decor, crooked tools and horrified victims.   Wlad and Maria's Bedroom: The centre of the household's affairs, a regal large room with an office space wherein evidence of Wlad's cruel schemes can be found.   The Basement   Wine Cellar: The small wine cellar houses rare vintages, their labels fading into obscurity. Dusty bottles line the shelves, with many filled with spirits.   Powder Storage: A room filled with an explosive powder used to clear mining tunnels, the acrid smell of the black powder lingers in the air. Barrels of volatile substances are stacked haphazardly.   Servants' Quarters: The dim light reveals a hallowed hall empty but for the countless victims of Mulkwast Manor that inhabit it.   Prison: Cold stone walls enclose a prison where the Mulkwast contain the new arrivals amongst their victims.   Nunko's Burrow: A tunnel, burrowed by monstrous creatures, leads to the hidden home of the madman Nunko.


207 5E   Dymitri Mulkwast would return to his family's mountain estate alongside his brother, the Vampire Wlad Mulkwast. Here he would work to deradicalise his brother and wipe away the years of brainwashing caused by the Elves.   In order to feed his brother's insatiable hunger, Dymitri Mulkwast would arrange a regular stock of criminals scheduled for execution to be transported to the mansion from the Deep, a prison in the city of Arkeluw.   Over the years that would follow, Wlad's Vampiric influence would cause the estate to decay into rot and ruin, a process only further exaserbated when he would pass on his powers to his daughter Walerija, as well as his brother Dymitri, his beloved Maria, and his children Wiktor, Ywan and Olena.   They would develop a magical ward to protect their mountain estate from outsiders and from wildlife keen to purge the mountain of this harmful influence. They would begin to hunt many of the elk, wolves and other wildlife that call the mountain home and drive them to migrate elsewhere.   Eventually with the arrival of the Werewolf Gottfried Goss, many of the wolves would return to the Morka Mulkwast, along with copious vermin such as rats and cockroaches.   Around this time, a nest of Wyvern would begin to settle in a cave just above the Mulkwast estate and would present an opportunity for the enigmatic Wlad Mulkwast.   Wlad Mulkwast would begin to use the Wyvern as bait to lure in unsuspecting mercenaries in search of an assignment. He would offer them payment to clear out the nest, and accommodation at Mulkwast Manor before they would do so, then when they would arrive he would have them hunted across the Mulkwast estate and subject them to all sorts of gruesome trials to discern which among them would be worthy to join the Mulkwast Coven.   1st SkrabarjeÅ„ 269 5E   In an effort to ensure her survival and the survival of her children Ywan and Olena Mulkwast, Maria Mulkwast would conspire with Anpu Winkybits, Fulgur Percutien and Cowabunga Peppermill, devising a scheme to disable Mulkwast Manor's magical defences.   This plan would succeed, and having been hunted and corrupted by the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle for so long, the Wyvern would swarm the estate in search of vengeance. Paired with a fire broken out by mercenaries trapped within the mansion, by the break of day, Mulkwast Manor would collapse into the ground and be utterly destroyed.   In the days that would follow, those few thralls who still remained bound to Wlad Mulkwast would walk down the mountain path and would arrive at the gates of Arkeluw there to be interred in the Radana Storme Institute. Those members of the Mulkwast Coven that still lingered at Mulkwast Manor would likewise vacate the ruins as well.   Wildlife quickly began to return to the Morka Mulkwast, and the corruption instilled by the heavy Vampiric presence would gradually begin to fade.   In the days following the destruction of Mulkwast Manor, the Konstat of Arkeluw would arrive to investigate the scenes and discovering the sense of decay and the corpses of Wiktor and Dymitri Mulkwast within the area would gain irrefutable evidence that Wlad Mulkwast and his family had in fact been Vampires.


Since its destruction and the subsequent investigation of the Konstat, the ruins of Mulkwast Manor initially became something of a curiosity amongst the people of Arkeluw, eventually however as Wyvern began to overtake the ruins, it was left desolate and abandoned.
1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E
Alternative Names
The Mulkwast Estate
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location