The Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle



18th Garundarjeń 410 4E   A wealthy Mastorian business woman named Fenya purchases the Mulkwast Quarry, a stone quarry on the slopes of Morka Mulkwast. With this purchase, Fenya decides to take the name of Mulkwast as her family name and forms the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle.   Shortly after her purchase of the property, Fenya Mulkwast begins construction on the property that would become Mulkwast Manor, creating ample space for quarry workers to be accommodated whilst also creating a lavish family estate for her and her descendants.   31st Wintarjeń 173 5E   Dominik Mulkwast purchases mining rights to an iron mine in the Merknaskana Mountains called Modalnia Estódnia. During his time negotiating this deal, here he meets a woman named Marina whom joins the Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle. Together the two have two sons named Wlad Mulkwast and Dymitri Mulkwast.   3rd Skrabarjeń 187 5E   A group of Elven raiders breach the Merknaskana Mountains and raid a number of border settlements including the Modalnia Estódnia. During the Elven raid, Dominik Mulkwast, and Marina Mulkwast are killed among with countless others, whilst Wlad Mulkwast and countless other children are kidnapped and taken into slavery, with only Dymitri Mulkwast surviving as the last living heir of the Mulkwast name.   In the years that would follow, Wlad Mulkwast would be trained in the arts of violence and espionage by the Elves before being subjected to a transformation to become a Vampire.   Dymitri Mulkwast meanwhile would take over the family business and would sink his finances into a desperate search to find and recover his lost brother.   1st Dallarjeń 207 5E   With this transformation, Wlad was deployed to infiltrate the Rendorian royal court.   After selling the Modalnia Estódnia to fund his search for his brother, Dymitri Mulkwast would finally track down his brother and would work with a group of adventurers, including the enigmatic Walerija to stage his brother's kidnapping and rescue.   Successful, Dymitri Mulkwast, Wlad Mulkwast, and Walerija would return to the mountainous estate of Mulkwast Manor where they would begin a process of de-radicalising his broken brother. Walerija would prove a great help in this regard, and given time, Wlad Mulkwast and Walerija would fall in love.   32nd Spriarjeń 220 5E   Together, Wlad and Walerija would welcome a daughter, though Walerija would die in childbirth. Wlad, now having escaped much of his conditioning would be devastating to lose the woman he so loved and who freed him from his own mental imprisonment. He would however take some comfort in his new-born daughter and would name her Walerija in honour of her mother.   Wlad would never forget or recover from the loss of his beloved however, and he would come to resent his Vampiric nature, and those who granted it to him. Eventually he would be inspired to depart his ancestral home and journey across the world of Vilia to formulate a Coven of allies to wage war against the Elves that tormented him.   During his travels, Wlad Mulkwast would travel through the peninsula of Caprosa and there would meet a comely and kind-natured farm girl named Maria. Once again Wlad would fall in love and he would tell her of his true nature and his purpose. Maria would be uncertain at first, but in time her affection for the man would overwhelm her better sense and she would agree to join him.   In time, Maria would agree to become a Vampire alongside her husband and would become his Koleda, a term used to describe the ultimate match within the Dallan faith between two people. In time, she would give him a son whom they would name Wiktor, and twins whom they would name Ywan and Olena.   Whilst crossing through the jungles of Aqualia, Walerija Mulkwast would become afflicted with a tropical illness that would wrack her body and reduce her to the edge of death. A distraught Wlad Mulkwast could not bare to lose her, and so would inflict her with Vampirism, bringing her into his Coven.   In time and assured in his decision, and on the insistence of his eldest son Wiktor, Wlad would extend his curse to preserve his remaining children, and upon his return, would even force it upon his reluctant brother Dymitri.   Dymitri Mulkwast would be devastated, enraged and betrayed by his brother's actions, and would resent his newly inflicted Vampirism. He would opt to starve himself and refuse his urges, allowing his body to wither and decay as a result. Watching his brother so disgusted descend into madness, Wlad would be overcome by guilt, and his own resentment for his enemies would only build.   Wlad would lose much of his interest for his family and his energy would fast be devoted to the compilation of the Mulkwast Coven and preparation for war against Pauros.   Eventually, Wlad Mulkwast would opt for a new strategy, a test of those that he might consider worthy of his Mulkwast Coven. Wlad would selectively call upon various mercenaries and adventurers of clear and noteworthy physical capacity, and he would request of them to assist in managing routine assignments at his mountain estate. Once lured into the snare of his trap however, he would unleash his own power and that of his family and his Coven against the wandering adventurers. Those that would survive the night would have in turn proven their valour and would have seen the sheer power these Vampires possessed. With this show, Wlad Mulkwast would offer them the chance to become Vampires themselves and so in turn join his Coven.   The Mulkwast of the Sixth Circle would be divided in their view of Wlad's scheme. Walerija Mulkwast would maintain absolute loyalty to her father as she always had before, Wiktor, and Ywan would all be thrilled to participate in their father's game, keen to unleash the full potential of their sadistic hunger. Olena Mulkwast however would hate these cruel hunts and would be overcome by a shame, a shame that would spread to her mother who would be reluctant to endanger her children for her Koleda's manic scheme. Above all, Dymitri Mulkwast would be horrified by what his brother had become, and would work desperately, and with futility to prevent the atrocities of his family.

In Death, We Find Our Purpose

Founding Date
18th Garundarjeń 410 4E
Alternative Names
The Mulkwast Family, the House of Mulkwast, the Mulkwast, the Mulkvast
Family Leader
Controlled Territories