Sir Edric Spencer

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

13th Judarjeń 234 5E   Edric Spencer is born in the island nation of Valorshire, the eldest child of the House of Spencer.   32nd Spriarjeń 237 5E   Edric's brother, Silas Spencer is born. The younger brother grows up constantly in the company of his elder brother Edric, constantly idolising him and desperately keen to emulate him.   12th Dallarjeń 252 5E   Edric decides to leave home and departs to join The Order of the Radiant Sun, a knightly order of Paladins who act to repel dark magic and evil forces wherever they might be found.   Over time, Edric Spencer would rise through the ranks and would be annointed Sir Edric Spencer, Knight of The Order of the Radiant Sun.   19th Samarjeń 255 5E   Silas Spencer enlists to join The Order of the Radiant Sun, following in the footsteps of his brother Edric. In time, he like his brother becomes a Knight of The Order of the Radiant Sun, and like in childhood, the two become inseperable.   When Silas Spencer was ready to ascend to knighthood, it was his own brother Sir Edric who knighted him and welcomed him into the true echelons of The Order of the Radiant Sun.   6th Alwarjeń 268 5E   Sir Edric and Sir Silas consent to go on a mission to spread the Solenoir faith into The Mastorian Empire. They depart The Bastion of Light and set out north.   Along the way they are contacted by the Order and informed that they have lost contact with their Paladin Sir Bellinor, and they are instructed to travel to Arkeluw to learn of his fate.   12th Judarjeń 269 5E   The Spencer brothers arrive at The Radana Storme Institute and there they discover that Sir Bellinor has gone mad and had murdered multiple patients of the insane asylum, and was now interred within as a patient himself.   13th Judarjeń 269 5E   The Spencer brothers continue their tour of The Mastorian Empire and celebrate Edric's birthday in an underbar in the city of Arkeluw. Whilst they are here they find a contract for mercenaries to assist the Mulkwast family, and keen to improve their finances they agree to go and apply in person.   14th Judarjeń 269 5E   The Spencer brothers arrive at Mulkwast Manor and are there greeted by the family patriarch Wlad Mulkwast. They talk in depth about global politics and their sacred mission serving the will of their God Solenoir. Wlad Mulkwast is impressed by their piety and devotion to a higher purpose.   15th Judarjeń 269 5E   As they sleep, they, and the other mercenaries are attacked by the Mulkwast family, all of whom are revealed to be Vampires, as well as a host of thralls bound in servitude to the family.   One by one the mercenaries are picked off until only the two Spencer brothers remain. They fight their way down into the manor house catacombs and there they are offered a choice by Wlad Mulkwast.   Wlad Mulkwast shows them visions of a great evil rising in the east, a shadow that could consume all of civilised society and thrust them into a great and never-ending dark age. He proposes to grant both of them the gift of Vampirism, and to employ them as agents of his coven to stand against this growing threat.   The two brothers consider this offer. Sir Silas Spencer refuses to abandon his principles and give in to the darkness he has fought against his whole life, but Sir Edric is susceptible to Wlad's persuasion. He sees the danger he is warning of and finds the overwhelming power of Vampirism alluring. In the end, Sir Edric Spencer accepts Wlad Mulkwast's curse.   Sir Silas Spencer is horrified by his brother's decision, and tries to kill them both rather than allow their evil to spread. The two brothers fight and Sir Edric kills his brother in single combat.   With his final test concluded, Sir Edric Spencer has the power of the Vampire transferred into his veins.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   A new group of mercenaries are trapped in Mulkwast Manor and forced to survive against the onslaught of monsters that dwell within. They meet Sir Edric early on when he runs towards the group and takes on the guise of another survivor who had been attacked only the day before and had been hiding in the house ever since.   Over the course of the night, Sir Edric makes an active effort to sabotage the group. First when isolated alongside Fulgur Percutien, he makes an asserted effort to murder him by pushing him into a pack of feral hounds. In spite of this, Fulgur is able to escape and flee deeper into the grounds.   When Sir Edric reunites with fragments of the larger group, he informs them that Fulgur tried to murder him and is in league with the Mulkwast family. He gradually begins to manipulate Buggy, Lucky, Ackio, and Brie Tealeaf and drives them all to help him in hunting down and murdering Fulgur Percutien.   Sir Edric's efforts prove unnecessary as Fulgur is eventually swarmed by Thralls and torn to pieces, only to be made a meal of in a boiling cauldron not long after. He next makes an effort to warp the mind of the Tagrott named Lucky, charming him with his Vampiric powers and binding the creature to his will.   Finally, the party find themselves hiding inside of a wine cellar and there they locate a crawl-space trailing beneath the house. Buggy and Ackio opt to go down and investigate whilst Brie Tealeaf, Lucky, Anpu Winkybits, and Sir Edric remain in the wine cellar.   It is at this point when Sir Edric makes his move, manipulating Lucky to believe that Brie Tealeaf and Anpu Winkybits were conspiring to kill them, and that they should kill them first. The two attack their companions, taking them unawares, and a brutal skirmish ensues.   Brie is forced to defend herself from the encroaching Sir Edric Spencer whilst Anpu Winkybits is attacked by Lucky. A short skirmish ensues and Lucky is knocked unconscious by Anpu's magic.   The chaos of Anpu and Sir Edric's cascading magic causes a fire to break out, spread by the various spirits stored in the room, and Brie suffocates due to the smoke and collapses into the spreading fire, her corpse being set alight and there consumed by the flames.   Anpu, wounded in the inferno, takes time out to heal herself, and as she does, Sir Edric uses the opportunity to approach the unconscious form of the Tagrott Lucky and kill him.   At this point, Sir Edric begins moving to flee from the room, plotting to escape and spread chaos by hunting the remaining survivors down. As he moves to make his escape however, Buggy, Ackio, and the deranged Nunko burst into the room and Buggy rushes in time to impale Sir Edric with his glaive and pulls him back down into the flames. As he writhes in agony, Sir Edric's form reduces into shadow. The shadow tries to flee, but before it can do so, Anpu blasts the shade with magic, ending Sir Edric's life for good.