
Transmission & Vectors

Vampirism can be transmitted by two different means. Elven scientists were able to transmit a more pure and refined form of the virus through elaborate genetic mutation brought about over the course of years. This is the method by which first generation Vampires are evolved.   Second Generation Vampires receive their affliction when it is transmitted by other Vampires. Vampires will secrete a toxin from their fangs at will which will mix within their blood-stream and cause their deaths. After a varied period of hibernation, the Vampire will return from the dead. The Second Generation Vampires lack the innate power of First Generation Vampires but can develop many of their powers over time.


  Vampires were developed by Elven-kind to act as weapons of subterfuge and espionage, whilst also having the kind of limitations that ensure they never fully reconnect with the society that they are being sent to infiltrate and sabotage.   A Vampire has a weakness to sun-light that forces them to constantly hide their flesh from the light. It forces them to predominantly hide within dark areas or completely conceal their skin when going outdoors in the light. The trade-off to this fact, is that the Vampire's powers are heightened in the moon-light, allowing enhancements of their power.   Vampires also have an enhanced sensitivity to Magic which allows them to accomplish various unnatural feats such as walking on walls, transforming into certain animals such as rats, cockroaches or bats, conjuring other animals such as bats, cockroaches, rats, or wolves. They also develop an adaptive ability which allows their body to naturally regenerate and restore itself over time. The trade-off to these abilities is that as they restore themselves, they corrupt the world around them, causing plant-life to decay and heightening the spread of rodents and vermin. This further serves to distance Vampires from wider society.   The power of the Vampire is fuelled by their intake of blood, as they drink the blood of a being of their own species, their powers are heightened. If they do not consume blood for a certain amount of time, their powers will gradually diminish and they will gradually and slowly decay like a normal corpse, losing much of their natural power until they finally starve and die, though not before devolving into blood-thirsty and ravenous monsters. This process can only be slowed with the consumption of blood. A Vampire can feast on the blood of animals, or beings not of their own species, but this will only slow the rate of decay and will not restore them.   Vampires have other latent abilities, being able to make gradual changes to their appearance at will, manipulate the mind of their victims, and also being able to magically manipulate blood in all of its forms, often times being able to draw their own blood and morph their own blood into weapons.   Vampires can not be killed by natural means, if they are dispelled, their body will be reduced to shadow and they will retreat back into their place of hibernation. With an intense burst of magical energy the Vampire can be destroyed in this form. If they are not however, they can be killed within their place of hibernation with an enchanted stake through the heart.   A Vampire also has a weakness for certain substances, including silver which can be used to stifle their regenerative ability, and garlic, a substance which is poisonous to Vampires.


The Vampiric curse is chronic and will continue to evolve and enhance the Vampire over time. As they live longer, and continue to feed their cravings, they will grow more powerful and more connected with their abilities, though they will never age or develop physically or mentally.


There are disputes as to how the Vampiric virus can be prevented from infecting a person's body. If the process of transferrence is stopped before its completion, it is said that the wound can be cleansed with boiling water to prevent its development from the point of injury.   Other methods used to limit the danger of a Vampire was to damage the body of the deceased in such a way that when they return as a Vampire, the damage will become their default state, and their magic will always restore them to that point.   It is also common practice to fill the body with salt, so that the salt can absorb the festering necrotic energy and quell it's potential, preventing the Vampire's restoration.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species