Vampiric Thralldom

Transmission & Vectors

Transmitted through a venom secreted from the fangs of a vampire when they consume the blood of a victim. This impacts upon the mind of the victim at first, but it would take repeated feedings before a victim can be converted into a Vampiric Thrall in the long-term.


A mechanism of Vampires that allow them to draw their victims into their service. The Vampires alter the mind of their thralls through repeated feedings on the blood of their victims.


The individual will begin to lose weight and would seem to physically age and become more tired and haggard. They will also come to suffer a cognitive decline and would outwardly behave more animalistic and aggressive.    Furthermore they will become more receptive to the instruction of the Vampire that has been feeding on their blood.


While many of the physical symptoms such as accelerated aging will stay with the thrall for the rest of their life, there are other symptoms such as their obedience to the Vampire, their feral behaviour, and the sense of exhaustion that will diminish the longer the victim is able to go without being fed upon by a Vampire.


The condition can become fatal, as the individual physically ages and becomes more exhausted until such a point that they are rendered comatose or die of symptoms similar to old age.


The ideal method of preventing Vampiric Thralldom is to either kill or consistently repel the Vampire that has been feeding on the victim, subsequently allowing the victim time to recover from their affliction.

Cultural Reception

Vampire Thralls are known as servants of a Vampiric master and thus even in periods of recovery, they are ostracised and treated with mistrust.