Eronia Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


Eronia is composed of mountains that tower into bright clouds; the River Oceanus twists between the peaks, even climbing uphill to tumble thousands of feet down in waterfalls. Traversing this island by river is extremely dangerous without an experienced guide.


Eronia's towering granite mountains are rivalled only by the peaks of Ysgard. Even the valleys are so narrow and steep that travel by foot is difficult. Travel by flight is also complicated by the strong and constant winds.   The terrain is mostly stony, but lots of plant life thrives despite the thin soil layer. Near settlements on outcroppings and plateaus, the land can even be cultivated into prosperous farms.


Strong winds are constant on Eronia. They are stronger near the peaks, but formidable in the valleys as well. Lightning storms are common in this region, with strikes being a greater risk due to the altitude.

Fauna & Flora

Mountain goats are a common sight along Eronia's steep slopes, and various bears, bats, cougars, foxes, squirrels, and other creatures make their homes in the caves and valleys. Giant Eagles and wyverns are not unheard-of, either, and any creature that might ordinarily be found in a forest may be found amid the pines.   In terms of flora, Eronia is admittedly sparser than its neighbours. Moss creeps over every stone, and wild roses, fireweed, zinnia, cinquefoil, and other hardy wildflowers bloom defiantly between split boulders and rocky slopes. Occasionally, the soil deposits are deep enough to support stands of evergreen.

Natural Resources

Despite the difficult terrain and greater difficulty of export, many granite quarries exist in Eronia, as the durable material is a much-desired commodity.

Cover image: Crown Oasis by Alayna