River Oceanus Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil

River Oceanus

The River Oceanus has an odd, cyclical course, with its headwaters and rivermouth both joining the Realm which shares its name  The river itself is of a warm, comfortable temperature magically suited to any creature which enters it. It has an inviting fragrance, and its surface is calm as a looking-glass.


Oceanus' headwaters are in Thalasia, where it flows inland through the islands of Elysium (between which it exists as a persistent current), then through the Beastlands and Arborea, where it dissipates into Oceanus through the shallows of Aquallor. Depending on the tide, the current sometimes carries past this point to the Gates of the Moon in Ysgard


Many creatures live in the River Oceanus and on its banks. Its most famous native inhabitants are the Oceanus Dragons. Aside from these, the river is home to dolphins, naiads, selkies, and, even communities of Sea Elves. Deep parts of the river house Songsharks, a peaceful species whose calls are similar to whalesong. Legends hold that they can reveal secrets of the Oceanus to those who know how to listen.
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Cover image: The Magic Brush by Zsolt Kosa