Amoria Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The innermost province of Elysium, Amoria is also the largest landmass, being a subcontinent connected to the Beastlands on its eastern border.


On the coast, Amoria has beaches of soft yellow sand, fading into low, grassy hills festooned with all manner of wildflower. Beyond the coast the biomes are more diverse, though the hills never reach the heights of Eronia, being mostly hill-valleys.   The River Oceanus flows through this realm from Emoria, eventually exiting into the Beastlands. It splits several times, and curves in wide oxbows. Most of Amoria's civilizations are built along its banks and islands.

Localized Phenomena

Colors on Amoria appear more vibrant, in fact most sensory experiences are more intense here. It is in this region that Elysian Pears grow.


Amoria's climate is warm and balmy, and lacks the seasonal shifts of other provinces, being perpetually calm and warm, with gentle winds perfumed by its many flowers and fruit trees.

Fauna & Flora

Being so hospitable to life, Amoria hosts a plethora of living beings. All manner of humanoids make their homes here, and it is the marshalling-point of Guardinals. Amoria's grasslands are home to herds of pronghorns, sheep, bison, and white-tailed deer, as well as prairie-dogs, badgers, and hares. All manner of sparrows, as well as burrowing owls, sandpipers, wrens, larks, hawks, and prairie chickens.   Forests in Amoria are thin and spread-out, and are home to several species of flowering trees, which perfume the air with a delicious smell. In fact, flowers of all kind are abundant in Amoria, from lilies which bloom on the placid surface of the Oceanus to the fields of sunflower, butterfly weed, foxglove, geranium, and the famous butterfly gardens cultivated by the inhabitants.

Natural Resources

Elysian pears are a much saught-after produce for their purported healing and curse-lifting properties, but as they expire so quickly, they cannot be exported.
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Cover image: Fantasy Forest by Dorothe