Thalasia Geographic Location in The Crossroad Realms | World Anvil


The myriad islands of Thalasia make up the outermost province of Elysium, blending its edges with those of the Infinite Ocean. Thalasia is also the headwaters of the River Oceanus, which, unlike normal rivers, flows inland from the sea.


As a province, Thalasia is composed of all the small islands between Eronia, Belierin, and the Infinite Ocean. No island is larger than 25 miles across, with most being fewer than 15 miles at their widest point.   As the River Oceanus flows through this realm as a warm, gentle current. The islands themselves sport beaches of soft white sand and deep lagoons of refreshing shade, as well as gentle hills of fruit orchards. Several islands support towns, especially along sea routes to Eronia.


Despite its relative proximity to the Frostfell, Thalasia generally enjoys a balmy, near-tropical climate. The weather is generally fair, but the archipelago does experience a full rotation of seasons, similar to Primus only milder. Because of the strong cosmic pull of positivity, destructive weather patterns such as typhoons and hailstorms are exceedingly rare.

Fauna & Flora

The waters and islands of Thalasia are home to many good-natured creatures. It is the homeland of both Selkies and Guardinals. Wildlife includes all manner of fish and crustaceans, as well as monkeys, tropical birds, and other land-dwelling creatures. As the waters around Thalasia are relatively shallow, they cannot support larger life-forms such as whales or krakens.


According to legend, the souls of great heroes are sometimes manifest in Thalasia, living out their afterlives in the land of ultimate serenity, free of all mortal cares. Many aspiring adventurers have sailed to Thalasia seeking the wisdom of the greats, and some even claim to have succeeded.   Mostly, though, it's the ultimate vacation spot.
Alternative Name(s)
The Hills of Avalon
Location under
Included Locations

Cover image: by The Students of Brush Academy