Public Attractions Night Market


Primarily poorer folk from in and around the Furcoat's turf, looking for food or "adult entertainment".


The gang has a few posted guards and insure that fair trade is the only kind that takes place, screening would be vendors before they can set up shop.

Industry & Trade

Three vendors currently sell here. Auntie Ivy of the Dirty Hippies, sells produce, the occasional live animals, and cannibis. Mr. Gazam is a self stylied Fixer and director of porno movies and scavenged electronics. And 80/20 rolls his uncle's truck up to sell damaged Cyberware at low prices.   Ivy currently has: Fresh veggies, root veggies, and weed.   80/20 Currently Has: Radio comms Cyberware, Targeting Scope Cyberware, and a Kiroshi MonoVision.   Mr. Gazam currently has: Programs, BD movies, and Smart Glasses.
Founding Date
Trade post
Location under
Owning Organization


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