History of The Dark Future

  • 1990

    First Conflict
    Military: War

    Start of First Central American Conflict. American Imperial ambitions, justified as part of the war on Communism, terrorism, and narcotics, kill hundreds of thousands. American veterans return home dismembered and maimed, driving the demand for cyberware.

  • 1990

    The Beginning
    Criminal Activity

    A secret ‘coup' launched by The Gang of Four, a coalition of government agencies led by the current Vice President, effectively ends federal democracy in the U.S. Many states begin ignoring federal authority, declaring themselves "Free States."

  • 1990


    Breakup of Soviet state. From this point, the old USSR begins a new era of rapprochement with Western Europe; by the 2000s, the "Neo Soviets" are the EuroTheatre's most powerful allies.

  • 2022


    Fourth Corporate War
    Military: War

    Covert operations explode into a shooting war as Arasaka and Militech move front line troops into battle. The ensuing conflict involves operations all over the globe, with heavy combat in major cities worldwide.   This includes a three-year wrap-up as pockets of fighting are quelled by Militech and national armies. While there is only one nuke dropped during the war, the world's infrastructure is severely impacted, although not destroyed.

  • 2023

    The Time of The Red
    Era beginning/end

    Atmospheric particles from the nuclear blast in Night City, as well as debris from orbital rock strikes, conventional explosives, and the wartime burning and annihilation of cities and agricultural areas creates an eerie red pall over skies world wide. For nearly two years, skies are tinged with a bloody red color, which eventually dies down to brilliant red sunrises and sunsets throughout the next decade.

    Additional timelines
  • 2039

    17 /7

    Jungle Fire
    Life, Death

    A Zhirafa inventor with a hand in the invention of the Savannah line, is killed alongside his family in a gas explosion.

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  • 2040

    23 /12

    Criminal Activity

    The Furcoats make their entrance on the street in dramatic fashion as Wojtek wipes out a Valentino encampment.

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  • 2043

    11 /12

    Scav Riot
    Criminal Activity

    A gang of scavengers is able to hold off NCPD forces and claim a scrapyard as their home.

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  • 2044

    16 /12

    Shadow Sights
    Criminal Activity

    The Iron Sights are seen receiving new military grade hardware from shadowy men in suits.

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  • 2050

    A New Marvel
    Scientific achievement

    The Neuroport hits the public market.