Lonely Apes Die

The story of a motley crew of skilled cyberpunks, all seeking to join or work for the gang known as the Technicolor Furcoats.

  • 2023

    The Time of The Red
    Era beginning/end

    Atmospheric particles from the nuclear blast in Night City, as well as debris from orbital rock strikes, conventional explosives, and the wartime burning and annihilation of cities and agricultural areas creates an eerie red pall over skies world wide. For nearly two years, skies are tinged with a bloody red color, which eventually dies down to brilliant red sunrises and sunsets throughout the next decade.

    Additional timelines
  • 2037

    Life, Career

    "Angel" begins her music career playing a guitar composed of salvage.

  • 2037

    22 /7

    Death of The Family
    Disaster / Destruction

    Toaster's birth family is caught in the crossfire of a conflict between Malestrom and the Inquisitors, leaving him the only survivor.

  • 2038

    Signing Bonus
    Life, Career

    Angel is signed on by her new manager at DMS.

  • 2039

    17 /7

    Jungle Fire
    Life, Death

    A Zhirafa inventor with a hand in the invention of the Savannah line, is killed alongside his family in a gas explosion.

    Additional timelines
  • 2039

    11 /11

    Gets The Cheese
    Life, Career

    A mercenary Edgerunner by the handle "Mouse" makes their debut on the street.

  • 2040

    Family Matters

    A fledgling Media blogger named Chymeleon leaks classified information on a secret Biotechnica project, causing the chemist in charge to be fired. The chemist? Her uncle.

  • 2040

    23 /12

    Criminal Activity

    The Furcoats make their entrance on the street in dramatic fashion as Wojtek wipes out a Valentino encampment.

    Additional timelines
  • 2041

    8 /5

    Welcome to The Street
    Life, Milestone

    Sashenka finds Cyrus in an alleyway, bleeding and broken.

  • 2041

    13 /9

    Jacking In
    Life, Milestone

    Toaster joins the Furcoats proper after a death in their ranks forces the gang's hand.

  • 2043

    11 /12

    Scav Riot
    Criminal Activity

    A gang of scavengers is able to hold off NCPD forces and claim a scrapyard as their home.

    Additional timelines
  • 2044

    Life, Relationship change

    Ana and Toaster meet and soon begin dating.

  • 2044

    16 /12

    Shadow Sights
    Criminal Activity

    The Iron Sights are seen receiving new military grade hardware from shadowy men in suits.

    Additional timelines
  • 2045

    17 /2

    Disaster / Destruction

    Rockabye delivers a payload of explosives on an apartment building containing her future squad and civilians.

    Night City
  • 2045

    14 /3

    Dizcom Expose
    Political event

    Chy publishes an article exposing Dizcoms attempts to extort artists into signing over their work for the creation of an AI.

  • 2045

    30 /3

    Big Red
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Clifford's mind cracks under the strain of trauma and the shoulder mount combined.
