Althea Maydlow

Lady Althea Maydlow- Vere

Althea is a kind woman, especially by comparison to the rest of Reishi. She currently works as a healer at the Cabane Hospital.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Althea is healthy, though she doesn't appear to be at first glance. Her skin is somewhat pallid and marked with scars that remain red and tender, but her eyes are bright and golden and she maintains good health.

Special abilities

Althea has been blessed with a small well of healing capabilities. Generally enough to save a life if she needs it, but not enough to perform any major miracles.

Apparel & Accessories

Althea dresses comfortably, but not opulently. She avoids standing out, and so follows the basics of any given fashion trend, but doesn't dress opulently enough to draw attention to herself.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Althea spent a short period of her life as a slave in the Matire skumhouse. Although barely a few months, just until her family's venture paid off and she could be freed, the experience was enough to leave Althea both physically and mentally scarred. She had known only kindness in her life, and so tried to share it... with the wrong people. Her slavers took her kindness as patronizing and the other slaves took advantage of it or shoved her aside, thinking she was only looking for someone to protect her. In several instances, she was struck across the face badly enough to leave scars.   When she was freed, she was a much more subdued person, frightened of speaking to another. When she met Lavernus, she slowly began to open up and show kindness once again - which was exactly what Lavernus needed and was not receiving from his wife at the time. They entered into an affair that lasted all the way up until Lavernus' divorce. He quickly remarried Althea after his official adoption by the Maydlows was sorted, and they have remained happily married to this day.


Althea came from a middle-class family that was stretching beyond its means. She learned the basics of trade and history, but her real passion was for medicine. She took quickly to the teachings of Eva'kander and found a job at the Cabane Hospital, where she performed both medicine and mild healing magics.

Mental Trauma

Althea's time as a slave was traumatic for her, and it compressed her previously outgoing personality into something more subdued and quiet. She now avoids confrontation in any form, cringing away from anything more harsh than casual advice.

Morality & Philosophy

Althea is unequivocally good. She is gentle, kind, and sweet despite her shy nature, and genuinely wants to help everyone she can. She empathizes strongly with the slaves, and occasionally will bring them food if she knows she won't run into Jak or Rashona.


Family Ties

Althea is the husband of Lavernus Maydlow, the mother of Melissa and Dorsey Maydlow, and the step-mother of Viera Maydlow.

Social Aptitude

Althea is shy, but extroverted. She often craves conversation, but cannot bring herself to go out of the way to find someone to speak with. She doesn't have an overflowing wealth of charisma, but there's a sort of softness to her that makes many want to protect her.


Althea Maydlow


Towards Lavernus Maydlow


Lavernus Maydlow


Towards Althea Maydlow


Lawful Good
Current Status
Working as a healer at the Cabane Hospital
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Maydlow
Date of Birth
27th of Bimal, 3424
Karnmeny Haven
Lavernus Maydlow (Husband)
Current Residence
Maydlow Estate
Bright, wide, gold
Short-cropped, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, lightly freckled, scarred
100 lbs